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Generally, yes. But there are situations where an attorney must recuse himself, or other situations where the court will not permit a lawyer to represent a spouse. It's all on a case by case basis, and the law and also legal ethics will determine what may or shouldn't be done. The court is the final arbiter in these matters. But note that if an attorney represents a spouse, and it is later determined that it was illegal or unethical (owing to facts not know at the time), a complaint with the bar or even an indictment may follow. This is a general question, but this general answer probably outlines the situation adequately.

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1mo ago

A lawyer can represent his own employee or family member, but it may create a conflict of interest. In such cases, the lawyer must ensure they can still provide objective and diligent representation without compromising their loyalty to the client. It is recommended to disclose the relationship to the client and obtain their consent before proceeding with the representation.

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10y ago

Can an attorney represent a member of his own family in Massachusetts

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14y ago

No, that would be breakinf a confidence with his client.

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11y ago

Sure lawyers get married all the time. They are not, however, usually allowed to perform weddings.

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10y ago

In most cases, an attorney can represent his own wife. There are some times when the attorney will have to rescue himself but it will depend upon the judge of the case.

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15y ago

Answer They can.

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When a private attorney is chosen by a court to represent an indigent they are referred to as?

When a private attorney is chosen by a court to represent an indigent person, they are referred to as "court-appointed counsel" or a "court-appointed attorney." These attorneys are assigned by the court to provide legal representation to individuals who cannot afford to hire their own lawyer.

Reasons to Search for Lawyer Ratings?

Searching for lawyer ratings can help you find a highly competent and experienced lawyer to represent you, ensuring you receive quality legal services. Ratings can also give you an idea of a lawyer's reputation, professionalism, and past client experiences, helping you make an informed decision before hiring legal representation.

Is it legal for one emplyee to clock other employees in and out on a time clock?

No, it is generally not legal for one employee to clock in or out on behalf of other employees. Each employee is responsible for accurately recording their own time worked, as falsifying time records can lead to legal and ethical issues.

Can you become a lawyer if I've been to prison?

Yes, you can become a lawyer even if you have been to prison. Each state's bar association has its own rules and regulations regarding the fitness of individuals with a criminal record to practice law. It may be more challenging, but it is not impossible.

What does a tenant attorney do?

A tenant attorney specializes in representing tenants in legal matters related to their landlord-tenant relationships. They can help tenants resolve issues such as evictions, lease disputes, security deposit disputes, and habitability concerns. Tenant attorneys can provide legal advice, negotiate on behalf of the tenant, and represent them in court if necessary.

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Your first question should not be who is cheaper but who would represent your legal interests best. You should have your own lawyer.Your first question should not be who is cheaper but who would represent your legal interests best. You should have your own lawyer.Your first question should not be who is cheaper but who would represent your legal interests best. You should have your own lawyer.Your first question should not be who is cheaper but who would represent your legal interests best. You should have your own lawyer.

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A party has a right to represent himself in a trial. If the party opts to proceed pro se, he or she can act as his/her own lawyer, and file any motions that the lawyer could file.

Who did the fictional characters represents in the book house of spirits?

They represent Allende's own family.

Is it necessary to have a lawyer when sued for injuries incurred in an accident?

If you are sued for injuries you caused in a car accident, you are not required to have an attorney represent you; you can be a fool and represent yourself and take the chance on losing everything you own if you lose the case. But, if you have car insurance, the insurance company will provide a lawyer for you. They are required to do that under the policy. Plus, the company is not going to trust you or a lawyer of your choosing to defend your case if the insurance company has to pay for the damages.

Can a person be their own lawyer without a license?

All defendants are allowed to represent themselves pro seif they wish however most judges will strongly caution them against it.

Am I eligible for a free lawyer?

Getting a free lawyer will depend on your situaton. Some lawyers will do pro bono (i.e. free) work if they feel your claim is some worthy cause to pursue. If you are already charged with a crime and are incarcerated, you are allowed the option of a public defender if you can't afford your own lawyer, or choose to represent yourself.

What are the release dates for His Own Lawyer - 1926?

His Own Lawyer - 1926 was released on: USA: 3 January 1926

How can a layman bring a case against a lawyer?

Hire their own lawyer.

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the significant of given limitation to employee's are for their own discipline

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The dreamer appears to need approval regarding the special friend. The deceased mother could represent the dreamer's own inner parent - that part of the personality that is self-critical. Or the mother might represent the family and family tradition.

What actors and actresses appeared in His Own Lawyer - 1926?

The cast of His Own Lawyer - 1926 includes: Hallam Cooley as Warren Katherine Perry as Helen

Is an attorney allowed to represent their own family in court?

Yes. However, there are some circumstances in which it would not be ethical to do so , such as preparing a will in which the attorney is named as a beneficiary.