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Yes, if it was due to negligence on the part of the person driving the vehicle.

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Q: Can a person sue if they were hit by an automobile on private property?
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What if you are on private property and you are pulling out of your parking spot and you don't realize the person next to you has there door open and some how you hit it?

If there door was already open then you are liable for the damage. It does not matter if it is on private property.

If I hit a car on private property who was parked illegally am I at fault?

Yes, private property does not obsolve you of your responsiblity.

Will you lose your license for a hit in run on private property in Ohio?

Well I think you would for one it's a hit and runa and for second it's on private property

If you hit a road sign how much trouble could you get into?

It's just like any other property-damage accident only the sign belongs to the state and is not private property. You must report the accident and exchange the same information you would if you hit a private vehicle or private property.

If a car is parked 6 in behind another on private property and the other car accidentally hits it who is at fault?

The person who hit a parked vehicle is at fault.

Are you liable for a car accident on private property?

It depends, so here are some scenerios: If there are several cars parked in a private driveway and you back-up or start speeding out of the driveway and hit another car then you are responsible for hitting the other car. If you were speeding on a road and turned a curve and ended up on someone's property you are responsible for the damage done on their property and that includes ripping up gardens, grass, crashing into any part of that home or uprooting trees. If you were on private property and someone else hit you causing you to damage that property then it would be the other person that is responsible.

Who is responsible if a car was hit on private property while backing out of the driveway?

doesn't matter if an accident was on private property. get a police report immediately. this will be used to determine fault, if any.

What happens if you are backing out and hit a pedestrian while on private property?

You are still at fault, no matter what.

What happens when you hit a car on private property and no police were called and the insurance company was not contacted until almost a month after the accident?

it might be considered as a hit and run or destroying private properity.

If a vehicle parked along a curb on private property is hit by another driver who is at fault?

The driver that hit the parked vehicle would be at fault.

Hit and run on private property?

I backed up into a car on private proprty, i know the people i hit, it is my girlfriends grandparents, i panced and just left, i was told police cant do anything since it was on private proporty. is this true for the state of Missouri?

Who's at fault when a car is pulling out of a driveway and you hit them?

any vehicle leaving private property and entering a public road ,is at fault. all vehicles leaving private property MUST yield to vehicles on a public road