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Yes, depending on state rules and income limits for welfare. Alimony may not be the best choice for the custodial parent.

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Q: Can a woman get welfare and alimony?
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Been married 14yrs. no kids. on disability do i get alimony?

are you the man or woman?

Can a woman get alimony after being married for 28 years?

Yes a woman can claim for alimony at any point of time in her marriage or after her marriage if her spouse has failed to maintain her when having enough means to support her. If there is any query one can call on : 093222 86663 or email your problems on lawyersidd to Siddhartha Shah and Associates for a better relief.

When can a woman ask for alimony in India is it after divorce or after only separation of two years?

Yes, a woman can ask for alimony in India after divorce or separation of 2 years provided their marriage lasted for more than 10 years.

In ca can a woman cohabitate with a man while getting a divorce WITHOUT IT Effecting her alimony?

no, or after.

Who was the roman god of women' s welfare?

There was no Roman god of women's welfare - the goddessJuno was the woman's goddess.

Can a working woman ask for divorce alimony?

For questions like this you really need to identify what state you live in.

Are there palimony laws in Virginia you have been in a relationship with a man that you have been living with for 16 years you have no children and you rent a house only his name is on the lease?

"Palimony" is a slang term for alimony paid from a woman to a man. Alimony is only applicable in cases of divorce. Alimony is not available to parties who were not married.

Does a woman have to pay a man spousal support alimony?

If you live in an exclusively no fault divorce state like Colorado, and you make more than your husband, you will probably have to pay him alimony. It all depends on the specific laws in the state in which you divorce.

Is alimony a liquid asset?

Alimony was originally devised to ensure compensation towards a woman in historical social downfall per being divorced. Alimony as a liquid asset depends upon the state where the court rulings or legal agreements are made.Most states will not verify alimony as assets if the funds go towards things like disability injuries from domestic violence, on-going medical treatment, and psychological counseling for mental distress.

What alimony can a woman demand for her children if husband files divorce?

That varies from country to country. The best thing to do is get help from a lawyer (attorney).

Can unpaid bills be deducted from alimony payments?

Whether unpaid bills can be deducted from alimony payments depends on the specific terms outlined in the divorce agreement or court order. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional who can provide guidance based on the individual circumstances of the case.

If paying alimony and ex spouse becomes eligible to draw Social Security on ex spouse who is paying alimony can alimony payments stop?

It depends on the wording of the alimony decree. Generally, the alimony and the Social Security are independent of one another.