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No, they are not compatible and it will cause damage.

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Q: Can brake fluid supplement power steering fluid in an emergency?
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Can power steering fluid be used for brake fluid in an emergency?

Really would not advise it.

Can power steering fluid be used as brake fluid?

No. Brake fluid is not a petroleum product. Power steering fluid is. Petroleum product will swell and ruin rubber part's brake system is full of rubber parts. You will destroy your brake system using power steering fluid.

Can brake fluid be used as power steering fluid?

No !

Can you use brake fluid as power steering fluid?


What would happen if you put brake fluid in the power steering?

Your power steering will fail because brake fluid is poor lubricant.

Will brake fluid cause damage if you use it as power steering fluid?

YES! Brake fluid is pretty nasty stuff. It'll eat up paint, if spilled, etc. I'd leave it to the brake reservoir only. HOWEVER, you CAN substitute Automatic Transmission Fluid for power steering fluid. Top off if in an emergency if you need to, but if you're gonna use ATF permanently, I'd flush out the power steering system first and refill with ATF so they dont mix...

Can brake fluid be used for power steering fluid?

no, but if you have a auto transmission you can you can use that for power steering

Why is your brake light on and your emergency brake is down?

Check the brake fluid level, as on many vehicles the "emergency brake" (in the UK, Hand-brake) warning light also acts as a warning light for low brake-fluid.

Are brake fluids and power steering fluids the same?


Is ford power steering fluid interchangeable with brake fluid?

NO ! ( My Ford Explorer uses automatic transmission fluid as the power steering fluid )

Is brake fluid the same thing as power steering fluid?

no, brake fluid is not the same as power steering fluid, make sure you actually get the right stuff. and double check what type of brake fluid you have (dot 3/ dot 5) because there is a difference there too

I accidentally poured power steering fluid in the brake reservoir what should i do?

doesnt matter they work in either you are ok just dont doit unless emergency