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Here is advice and input: * It's quite possible. The Social Security Administration has a very informative site at (or see link for this page). You will find all the information necessary to determine if the minor child qualifies and how to apply for Supplementary Security Insurance (SSI). * One thing to keep in mind is that in these days of budget cuts, SSI (US) ALWAYS rejects the first application for SSI; and many times the second application also! Keep up the fight. Be relentless and keep applying, including any medical info from your pediatrician that you can get. The squeaky wheel gets the grease! * Unfortunately, you can't (but give it a try by all means.) Even in Canada they will not give special treatment to children/adults with Diabetes. Their excuse being (and they are partially right) that a child be treated as normal as possible. The best thing you can do is see the teachers your child has and in writing tell them of your child's condition. The teacher will keep a keen eye on your child. I do believe (although very upsetting to parents) that if a child is treated as normal as possible and not made to believe they are too different than other children they do better in school. Also in Canada, all strips, machines, insulin, needles are paid by the parents on their medical. All of us are fighting it here because it is a life-threatening disease and one that should be fully paid by the government. If you have time please email or write your congressman and make an issue in the media about this. Your subject on this matter is "Life Threatening Disease."

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Q: Can diabetes be considered a disability for a child under Social Security?
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