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You could use the coffee cake in a kind of trifle. Break up the coffee cake and place in a serving bowl. Pour over some coffee liqueur such as Kaluha/Baileys. Top with marscarpone or whipped cream mixed with a little sweetened coffee and then dust with cocoa and a little finely ground coffee.

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Q: Can you incorporate a coffee cake into a different recipe?
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In a cake recipe how many oz is 1 cup of coffee?

1 cup = 8 ounces This is prepared coffee, not ground coffee beans

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Placek is Polish Coffee Cake. For some great recipes here are a couple sites that contain recipes for Polish Coffee Cake with many different varieties available. Both are public sites where people contribute their recipes.

Is ther coffee in coffee cake?

Coffee cake is cake that you have with coffee usually like a sponge cake but can be any cake even cake with coffee flavouring

Does coffee cake taste like coffee?

They usually don't. Although there are many different recipes which have coffee inside, it usually keep just coffee aroma, not the taste. But in most cases, name coffee cake is used for different types of cakes you can eat while you drink coffee.

Where is A cinnamon coffee cake recipe?

Look online for cookery sites... or just type into a search engine.

Where can someone find a coffee cake recipe?

There are many ways to locate coffee cake recipes. Such recipes can be found in any dessert cook books, or found on the websites of popular chefs such as Paula Deen and Rachel Ray.

What cake recipe of any flavor, is the best?

There are many different types of cake flavors, so everyone has a different opinion of what the best cake recipe is. Many people tend to like the classics, which are chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. Some people also enjoy the funfetti cake.

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No, too different in content.

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How many teaspoons of sugar in a cake?

It depends on the recipe you're using. Different cakes have different ingredients.

Is there a recipe for wedding cake drink?

Yes, but you need to try different websites to find them.

What does white sugar divided mean?

In a cake recipe, for example, "sugar divided" means that different amounts of the ingredient will be used for different parts of the recipe, although you will measure the entire amount when beginning the recipe.