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No they can not survive together. The African Zebra fish (Diplodus cervinus) is a Marine species. The Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) comes from the Amazon river and requires very fresh water. Either fish would die given the water conditions required by the other.

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It is possible. but not generally accepted as goldfish are coldwater fish that produce high amounts of ammonia and require more food than the Danios which are more tropical and can be more susceptible to water chemistry issues.

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Q: Can you keep zebra danios and goldfish in the same tank?
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Can zebra fish live with goldfish?

yes i have a guppie and 3 goldfish in the same tank :)

Can zebra danios guppies and platies live together?

Yes, they are about the same size and they both community fish.

Can you keep 5 goldfish and 2 zebra danios in a 21 liter tank with decorations?

This is not a good idea. 7 small fish - for example 7 zebra danios - would fit in a 21 litre tank provided it had strong filtration, and frequent large water changes were carried out (50% weekly.) However, goldfish are absolutely not suitable for this tank. For starters, goldfish grow extremely large - the 12 inch long monsters you see in people's ponds are exactly the same species as the small fish sold for aquariums. If given adequate food and space, they will reach this size. It is extremely cruel to keep them in a tank that is too small to allow them to grow. Also, goldfish are extremely messy - they require more food and produce more waste than most fish. With such a small tank, you're better off sticking with smaller, nano-friendly fish. Zebra danios are a good choice - they are attractive, stay small and will forgive a beginner's mistakes. You could also consider small tetras or livebearers. Don't try to keep more than six or seven small fish, or you will overstock the tank.

Are glo fish zebra fish just with different color?

Glofish are genetically modified Zebra Danios. Yes they are exactly the same species as Zebra Danios, just have been modified in laboratories to be all those different colours. They are technically a copyrighted product of the science industry and, because of their GM status, are illegal in many countries!

How long do danios live?

Danios live for about 3-5 years. Try to get a group of danios that are the same size.

Can keep goldfish and other fish in same tank?

Rule of thumb is to not mix tropical fish and goldfish.

How do you tell a female from a male danios glow fish?

Forget about them being "glo fish". That is just SPIN. Glo fish are a genetically altered common fish made to glow artificially. They are in reality Zebra Danios (Brachydanio rerio). The females are slightly larger and plumper in the tummy than the males which are more slim lined.

Can you keep a muscle in the same tank as a goldfish?

Yes you can and they will also do a bit of water filtering for you too.

Can you feed a betta goldfish food?

um, i think i wouldn't if i were you cuz goldfish and beta fish need different nutrients

What is the plural noun for goldfish?

The plural of goldfish is goldfish. It is the same as the singular.

Do goldfish get along with glow fish?

'Glowfish' are in fact common Zebra Danios (Brachidanio rerio) but these are a 'made in Taiwan', genetically engineered fish. They are banned from sale and production in some states and counties on ethical grounds. They are tropical fish and so require totally different conditions from those required by goldfish which are coldwater fish. So the answer is 'no they will not get along successfully because they need totally different sets of water conditions.

Will my 2 goldfish eat each other if i keep them in the same tank and their the same size?

They might if their the same gender. U can tell the diffrence because boys have horn kind of.