

Can you lose weight without losing mass?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Not while remaining on the surface of this planet. If you go into space, your mass will not change - but your weight will become zero.

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Q: Can you lose weight without losing mass?
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Can an object lose mass without losing weight?

No. Mass is directly propotional to weight.

Can you lose weight on a diet without losing mass?

Yes cuz in you do not know the muscles weight more than fat I hope it helped

Can you lose 10 pounds in 23 days?

It is certainly possible to lose 10 pounds in 23 days. It is important, though, to distinguish losing weight from losing body fat. If you are overweight or obese, losing 10 pounds of body fat is a good idea; however, it's a bad idea to lose lean muscle mass. If you do not exercise and eat properly, about half the weight you lose will be lean muscle mass and that is a bad idea. Since lean muscle mass is very much more metabolically active than fat, you want to preserve or increase your lean muscle mass. Losing weight too quickly, and by that losing your muscle mass, will leave you worse off. You will quickly regain the weight and probably more than you lost.

What is the difference between weight loss and fat loss?

Weight loss can include anything that make you weigh less on the scales including losing weight in water, lean muscle mass and fat. What you really want to lose is fat, while gaining lean muscle mass to keep your metabolism going. If you drink enough water, your body will stop hoarding water for future use and you will lose some water weight. So losing water weight and fat is a good thing (obviously as long as you don't dehydrate), but you really do not want to lose muscle mass.

Is it possible to lose fat and not lose weight?

Sure. If someone who hasn't been working out before should suddenly start training fairly hard, then they can gain muscle mass at pretty much the same rate as they are losing weight as fat.

Why would a person lose muscle tissue while on a high-protein diet?

If a person is not taking in enough calories, and is losing weight, they are losing muscle mass. They may not be getting enough in their high-protein diet.

Does a dieting person more accurately lose mass or lose weight?

A dieting person loses weight.

Does a person diet to lose mass or to lose weight?

In theory, if you just wanted to lose weight you could go into orbit around the Earth and become weightless. In practice, that is not such an easy thing to do. Nonetheless, what we really lose by dieting is mass. Mass has a certain weight here on the surface of planet Earth, but weight does depend on location, and mass doesn't.

What can you do to stop losing muscle mass?

It's the same as mental ability, use it or lose it.

Do you gain weight before you lose it?

It depends if you get fat then go on a diet, or if you lift weights, you gain muscle,and muscle weighs more than fat.

How you can lose weight without losing mass?

While mass and weight are commonly confused, they are quite different. In layman's terms, mass (g) is a measurement of how much stuff a thing has in it, whereas weight (N) is a measurement of the earth's gravitational pull on a thing.In space, there is little gravitational pull, so your weight would be minimal. However, your mass would be the same anywhere in the universe.Now, if you want to lose fat off of your body, while maintaining a healthy lean muscle mass, eat within moderation, and do cardiovascular exercises at least three times a week for twenty minutes. Cardio makes your heart healthy, as well as requiring much energy to be burned from your body's fat supplies.

Where can I find more information on how to lose weight?

In order to know whether you need to be losing weight or not, you would need to find out if you are within the Body Mass Index parameters for your height and age. If you find you are obese, then talk to your doctor about next steps.