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Ask the police department. They use them a lot.

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Q: Can you use a slim Jim on a car with power locks?
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What do you do when getting locked out of your car the car has power locks?

When you get locked out of a car with power locks, you can call a locksmith or use a slim Jim tool to open the locks. You can also try pushing something through a slightly open window in order to reach the lock button.

How do you slim Jim a 97 grand am?

When trying to unlock your 97 grand am by using a slim jim the first thing you want to decide is, do your locks go up and down or back and forth. This will tell you what direction you need to move the slim jim to get the car to unlock. The next thing you want to do is insert the slim jim under the rubber piece next to the door. Once you find the lock rod , move the slim jim in the direction your locks move.

How do you unlock a Toyota Tundra with slim Jim?

It violates the Terms of Use of this site to answer a question for an act that can be used unlawfully. Power locks on a Toyota will not lock if the drivers seat is unoccupied, making it impossible to lock your keys in your own car.

How do you use slim Jim on 1990 altima?

The old "slim jim" worked good on older vehicles from the 80's and older. Vehicle manufacturers have redesigned car doors to block the old "slim jim" from working.

Where can you get a slim Jim car door opener?

Auto parts store.

How do you unlock door with slim Jim 2003 dodge truck?

I how do you unlock the doorI locked my keys in the car if you have a slim jim where would you put it to open the door

Where do you put the slim Jim to open a 1996 grandam?

To use a Slim Jim on a Grand Am, insert it between the frame of the car and the window. Next, slide it to where the door lock is located.

Car alarm battery dead how to open car door?

with the key... or a slim Jim Key is not working at the door

Can you open a 1994 Cutlass with power door locks with a slim Jim?

That's easy. Of course you can. But the trick is not a slim jim. It is a coat hanger. I locked my keys in my car once outside of my work place. So I took a coat hanger, brought it down towards the sliding lock mechanism itself, and then poked up and down until I figured out where the mechanism was. Then simply slide it to the left, try not push too much of the hanger in otherwise you won't have the necessary leverage and the hanger will bend.

How can you get into a 97 Lincoln Continental with a dead battery and keys locked in car?

Use a slim Jim

How do you use a slim Jim to open the doors on a 2002 Ford Focus?

Don't use a slim Jim...You open a coat hanger and tighten the hook to be a little more closed, then you use wood wedges or a flat tool to pry the door open enough to let the hook through into the car. If you want you can use the slim Jim to help get the hook past the weather stripping, or you can just save the slim Jim to use on a different car that is not slim Jim resistant. Pull to get a broad curve in the wire and use it to pull the door handle open. Not easy takes about 20 minutes of steady effort.

Can you put a car alarm on a car with no power locks?

Yes you can put an alarm on a car with no power locks, you can even buy central locking system that you can fit to a car with no power locking system that will connect up to the alarm system. Danny from Bee Mech Mobile Mechanics Find me at