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Eggs came first, they are a standard item in baking.

Eggbeaters were developed as a substitute for real eggs, to help people cut down on the amount of cholesterol in their diets.

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Yes, typically, it's 1/3 cup of apple sauce for each egg.

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Q: Can you use apple sauce as a substitute for eggs when baking?
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What can you bake with if you have no eggs?

you cant because there is no substitute for eggs in baking

Can not eat eggs what to use in baking?

Commercially available egg substitute.

Can butter be a substitute for eggs in baking?

No, you shouldn't really substitute for eggs, but usually water and oil are used to substitue. (Not one or the other, a little of both)

Can you substitute eggs with milk in cookies?

No, the eggs are there to keep it all together after baking, milk will not do that for you.

How much water and oil is necessary when substituting eggs when baking?

I'm sorry, but you can't substitute oil and water for eggs.

Can you use soda instead of eggs for brownies?

It won't be brownies anymore if you do that. > Baking soda is not a substitute for eggs in any recipe. They are completely different things with different functions in baking.

Can you substitute applesauce for oil in red velvet cake?

Yes! When substituting applesauce in baking, You would use 1/4 of a cup of apple sauce to replace 1/4 of a cup oil. Except in cookies though. Sometimes that wouldn't work though.

What can be used as a substitute for eggs when making cupcake?

Baking soda/Bicarbonate of Soda are the best egg substitutes.

What can you use in place of eggs in a uncooked chiffon pie?

usually eggs can be replaced with apple sauce or a blend of bicarb and vinegar (look it up)

What can be best substituted for eggs when making apple pie?

I have never used or seen a recipe for using eggs in an apple pie. I don't know where you would use any. My apple pie is a double crust, no eggs in it. Apples, sugar with some cornstarch for thickening, Cinnamon, a little clove and nutmeg. A few pieces of butter on top of the apples if you want and bake.

How much applesauce to use in a meatloaf to replace ONE egg?

Three quarter cup apple sauce is used to stand in for 3 eggs

Can corn starch be used as a substitute for eggs in a cake mix?

No, you can't replace eggs with cornstarch in a cake recipe. The eggs make the cake light and springy. You can replace three tablespoons of cake flour with three tablespoons of cornstarch if you like. Cornstarch does help lighten the cake, but it must not be used as a substitute for eggs.