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Q: Combining appointments of judges by the governor with popular elections is put forth by the?
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Combining appointment of judges by the governor with popular elections is put forth by the?

Missouri plan.

When more Republican state senators win elections as a result of a popular Republican governor in their state this is an example of?

It is an example of the coattail effect, or many people of a party being elected as a result of one popular candidate.

The popular plan that combines appointments and popular election is named for which state?


How did luis fortuno become leader of puerto rico?

He was elected Governor in a popular election held in November 2008. He won a 4 year term and must be re-elected in the upcoming November 2012 elections.

Amendment making senate elections popular?

The Sevnteenth Amendment

Rise of the republican party?

The Republican Party is a political party in Guam affiliated with the United States Republican Party. At the gubernatorial elections of the fifth of November 2002, its candidate Felix Camacho won 55.2% of popular vote and became governor. ...

How do you choose a governor?

()in the US) By popular election.

Where is your vote count more in the presidential governor or mayor?

Your vote "counts" more in a mayoral election because cities have fewer residents than the states in which they reside, and turnout for such elections is low compared to gubernatorial and presidential elections; because of the way the Electoral College works, however, if your state is expected to be close in support for one presidential candidate or the other, while your governor or mayor is popular enough to easily be re-elected, your vote may count more in a marginal sense.

When and how are congressional elections determined?

By the popular vote within the Congressional District.

What the recall of a governor reflect?

the principle of popular sovereignty.

What does the recall of a governor reflect?

the recall of a governor reflects what? The system of checks and balances.

What was the popular vote percentage of the winner of the last 10 presidential elections?
