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Sadly No, Germany only conquered all of the Soviet Union in Europe are parts in Asia.

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Q: Did Nazi germany take over the Soviet Uion?
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Was the Soviet Union against Germany?

YES. The Nazi's hated the communism of the soviet union. Hitler wanted to take over the Soviet Union in order to achieve is goal OS leibensram "living space". Nazi's and communisms both hated and feared each other.

Who rule over Nazi germany?

The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

Who fought against Nazi?

The Allies... 2nd edit: (...who were...?)

What was the impact of Stalingrad like?

part of the impact of Stalingrad was that it was the start of liberation of the soviet union and that leads up to the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945

Did England hand over there Jewish populations to Nazi Germany?

No. England accepted many Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany.

Who was the ruler over Nazi Germany?

Adolph Hitler............

Where was The Holocaust taken?

The Holocaust started in Germany but spread to other areas that the Germans controlled.

Who created the Nazi's?

I am not trying to be offensive off all the content written here but it's the truth that it was the United States idea and creation of creating the Nazi's, and PARTLY Adolph Hitler. Originally the U.S. wanted to create the Nazi's so they could obey them and to destroy the Soviet Union and Russia unfortunately, but the Nazi's took advantage of power and ditched the U.S. and to have there own diabolical army. Hitler took advantage also of The Nazi's for a reasons. Germany was a poor country and Hitler promised to make it stronger, Germany small amount of natural resources but unlikely were very good at manufacturing weapons and engineering. Luckily The Nazi's were finished off by the Soviet's tremendous power and outstanding hard-work and a good battle when Hitler wanted to take over Russia himself and the Nazi's. All of the above might be true all of this is my opinion.

Where we're nazi death camps located?

All over germany

What did Stalin accomplish in World War 2?

He prevented the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union and established Soviet control over the nations of eastern Europe.

How did Leon Trotsky describe the Nazi take over in Germany?

With the take over of Germany by the Nazi's in 1933, Leon Trotsky called that situation "The unparalleled defeat of the German proletariat the most important event since the Bolshevik revolution." The Communist Party was destroyed in Germany by the Nazi's and its leaders killed or sent to concentration camps.

What year did Germany take over Soviet Union?

June 1941