

Best Answer

Jews today are chiefly from the tribe of Judah, one of Jacob's sons. Jews are documented as having lived in France and Germany in significant numbers since the time of Charlemagne, some 1200 years ago. Before that, there are records of Jews in various locations in Roman-controlled Gaul (France). See the attached Related Link for details.

If you're asking whether any of the 10 lost tribes exiled 2600 years ago went to what is now France, we don't have information on that (and it's unlikely).

Another Answer:

There are some who have said that the so-called 'Lost 10 Tribes' of the Northern Kingdom of Israel settled into Western Europe in multiple migrations via the pass between the Caspian and Black Seas - the Caucasus Valley. These would eventually settle in the modern Western Europe states. France is said to be descendants from the Tribe of Reuben primarily.

Like most of Europe, the Isles and parts of western Russia, they were invaded by and intermixed with other peoples particularly the Vikings from Denmark during the 9th to 12th Centuries AD - these Vikings were predominantly from the Tribe of Dan.

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Q: Did some of the 12 tribes of Israel settled in France?
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