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If the question is asking whether European Powers (specifically, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Russia) established colonies, protectorates, mandates, and spheres of influence in the Middle East, the answer is: Yes.

However the question as phrased is a little difficult to understand. It is unclear what "successfully controlling" something means. If it refers to an intentional re-molding of society like what the Spaniards did in Latin America, than the Europeans did not "successfully control" the Middle East. Additionally, if "successfully controlling" refers to having power and authority over all parts of the Middle East, the Europeans did not "successfully control" the Middle East since Saudi Arabia was always independent of the West and Turkey effectively fought off attempts to carve spheres of influence into its territory.

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Q: Did the europeans successfully control the middle east?
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Who imperialized the middle east region?

the middle east was a large aria to control but the most common answer to who imperialised the middle east is Germany throughout ww2 The only two countries that occupied lands in the middle east are England and France

How was the Middle East affected by the introduction of the printing press?

It was not affected. The printing-press was not introduced into the Middle East until the late 1800s with the Tanzimat Reforms of the Ottomans. Prior to this, it was used almost exclusively by Europeans. Understandably, the failure to use the printing press in the Arab world earlier prevented the continued rise of the Islamic States and was one of many reasons why the Europeans were far more technologically advanced by the 1800s.

What empire controlled most of the Middle East except for a few years between 1516 an 1917?

The Ottoman Empire controlled most of the Middle East except in the years 1516 to 1917. During World War 1 they lost control of the area to the French.

In what ways did Europeans owe some of their sailing technology to other peoples?

They used the astrolabe, which was perfected by the Muslims. They also used the compass, which was invented by the Chinese.

What is the largest city in the Middle East?

The largest city in the Middle East is Istanbul, Turkey. Wicked common mistake, Istanbul geographically is part of Europe, and Tehran is the current largest in the middle east Istanbul Does not belongs to Middle easf it, Turkey is half in Europe and half in Asia. By any mean Tehran is the larget city in Middle east

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The Persians took control of the Middle East in the mid 600s.

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