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While salt is not "required" for Malawi cichlids, it is highly beneficial and your fish will be healthier, prettier and live longer. Salt aids in gill function, helps prevent Malwai Bloat, eases stress and at higher concentrations is even used as a first line treatment for many diseases (like Ick and Columnaris). Small quantities of salt are found throughout Lake Malawi, so it also helps to simulate their natural environment.

Lake Malawi is enormous and the salt content varies naturally throughout the lake, as does the temperature (76F-82F) and Ph (7.4-8.6). To be clear, I am not referring to pure table salt, or iodized salt. Many people use Epsom Salt, Aquarium Salt, Rock Salt, Marine Salt or Cichlid Salt (although both Marine and Cichlid Salt can be very expensive) in the amount of 1 tablespoon per each 5 gallons. Those than need to raise their Ph also use Sodium Bicarbonate as a buffer.

I think the previous answer (below) might have confused nitrates and nitrites, because many people have nitrates in their tap water and you'll never get rid of all the nitrates in a cycled tank...many nitrate levels run 40 ppm or higher, even with weekly water changes, without being a problem. Nitrites on the other hand are like ammonia and should always be 0 in a healthy tank, but with all 3 less is always better.

In any case, it all sounds more complex than it actually is. Malawi cichlids are fairly hardy fish (provided the weren't hormoned up before sale) and can adjust to various less than ideal conditions. They will probably live longer, have brighter colors and be less susceptible to illnesses if you add salt...however, they probably aren't going to die overnight if you don't.

There are many cichlid forums with bulletin boards online that you might want to check for more information.



No. Salt is not required for Malawi cichlids. They need their water around pH8, a GH and KH of around 12 to 14 and a temperature of around 78F. Ammonia and Nitrite must be zero and a little Nitrate say up to 12ppm is OK (less is best) over 15ppm is not acceptable.

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Q: Do African mbuna cichlids require salt in their aquarium?
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Because a tank is never filled to the brim and usually has at least 1 inch of gravel and several rocks I would assume the tank actually holds around 50 gals of water when in use. If you follow the basic rules of sucessfull fishkeeping you won't go far wrong. The rules are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Stick to the above rules and your fish stand a chance of survival. Fail to look after the fishes water as above and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will live a much shorter life than it should.