

Do betta live longer than goldfish?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No bettas live for 2 years. goldfish live for long as 25 yaers if conditions are clean.

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Q: Do betta live longer than goldfish?
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Does a male goldfish live longer than a female goldfish?

well it just depends how old it is

Can a betta fish and a goldfish have babies?

No, it is impossible. Goldfish are coldwater and have different spawning techniques than bettas.

How long do glo fish live?

A little less longer than regular goldfish.

Can a betta fish and goldfish survive in the same fishbowl?

well i did but its in a tank though but they seem to be fine. only thing is the goldfish eats all the food and the betta has a tiny mouth compare to the goldfish so yeah make sure he gets some food

What is so great about having a betta fish instead of like a goldfish or something?

Bettas are much easier to keep than goldfish because they are not quite as fussy as goldfish when it comes to the Oxygen content of their water.

Do goldfish only have a memory span of 3 seconds?

goldfish do have longer than a 3 second memory

Can you put a betta fish in the same fish bowl or tank as a goldfish?

No, betta fish are tropical fish; goldfish are coldwater fish, this should be reason enough not to mix the two. The mixing of these fish would be irresponsible and could yield distatorous results. One reason not to mix them would be because betta fish are quite small; most don't even reach 1/3 the size of a goldfish (even when full grown!) it makes them very likely to get bullied by the other fish. Fin nipping can be a major problem and is dangerous for the health of the fish. Do all your fish a favor by not mix betta fish with goldfish.

Is a male or female betta better?

Male Betta's have much longer fins and normally have brighter colors and are bigger than the females.

Which fin of the male Betta's is larger than the female Betta?

usually a male has longer tail fins but they are about the same for side fins

Will a goldfish eat a betta fish?

I believe that most gold fish eat betta pellet food. My two gold fishes at home eat that and they have been alive for quite a while. So you can try with your gold fish and see if they like it. But if you have gold fish food you should just give them that

What kind of Fish do not go with goldfish And betta fish?

Coldwater fish go with Goldfish (temperature under 70F). Tropical fish go with Bettas (temperature over 70F). Just make sure that you don't put any more than one Betta in a tank. So Bettas and tropicals don't go with Goldfish and vice versa.

Do betta fish attack goldfish?

Ther are at least 2 reasons why a Betta will not kill a goldfish. 1 A male Betta will only attack and fight another male Betta. 2, They should never meet. Bettas are tropical fish and need to be kept at around 78F and Goldfish are coldwater fish and should be kept at below 70F. In order to be successfull keeping any fish, (coldwater or tropical) the basic rules apply. The rules are :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs to have a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Keep to the above rules and your fish will stand a chance of survival. Fail in any and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems and will live a shortened life span.