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No that has nothing to do with it.

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Q: Do to much of blood clots in your period make it difficult for you to get pregnant?
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Does black blood clots instead of blood for your period mean your pregnant and if it smells really really bad?

Black blood clots do not relate to whether or not you are pregnant. You should see a doctor if the clots are bad. In general, if you are on your period/ losing blood, you are not pregnant. The smell and color mean you may have an infection It may also be an viral STI (as opposed to just bacterial).

Blood clots during your period?

blood clots doing my period

Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

If im spotting with blood clots could i still be pregnant?

You can still be pregnant even though you are spotting and loosing blood clots.

If you have your period while pregnant would you get big clots and a dark brownish color?

Clots during pregnancy is usually a indication of a miscarriage. Brown bleeding is usually old blood which isn't a normal period.

What causes small egg-shaped blood clots in a period?

Blood clots in a period are due to blood that was stationary long enough to begin to congeal.

What is the thicker substance the blood from your period?

Blood clots

If you suspect you're pregnant but get your period 2 days early with slight cramps and tiny egg like blood clots and have other symptoms is it possible you could still be pregnant?

It's possible to have a period and still be pregnant

What do blood clots with your period mean?

What does it mean when you have colts with your period

Why is period blood gooey?

Because it has blood clots and womb lining in it

What does it mean when you are on your period and you bleed clots of blood?

it means you are a squirrel :)

Are excessive blood clots during a womens period ok?

No excessive blood clots are not normal you should be seen by your heath care provider.