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Yes, we do eat Spiders in our sleep. I'd say about 4-3 per year. And to prove this answer, spiders like wet damp & warm places to stay.But we only eat certain kinds of spiders! So don't be worried it's only for health benfits.

No, we don't. It's an urban legend.

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13y ago
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10y ago

No, this does not happen.

This is a popular urban legend. It started in the 1990's when Lisa Holst, a columnist for PC Professional magazine, wrote an article to demonstrate how susceptible people were to accepting as fact any statement they read on the internet or in their email.

"the average person swallows 8 spiders per year" was one of the tidbits she included in list of "facts" she compiled to prove her point.

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14y ago


This very widespread urban legend has no basis in fact. It exists in various forms; another common version is that you swallow an average of 20 in your lifetime. (At 4 per year, that would make a very short lifetime of 5 years...) A correspondent in Pennsylvania had heard a version that involved swallowing a pound of spiders (while sleeping) in one's lifetime. (That would be over 20,000 average spiders, for a lifetime of 5,000 years at the 4 per year rate).

For a sleeping person to swallow even one live spider would involve so many highly unlikely circumstances that for practical purposes we can rule out the possibility. No such case is on formal record anywhere in scientific or medical literature. Since this page first appeared, I have heard from one person who found a small harmless spider hiding in her ear (which is possible), another who claimed to have had one in her nose (but had no evidence that it wasn't already in her hanky), and one who claimed that when she was a young child a spider leg was found by her lips. But not one person has claimed that a spider entered his or her mouth.

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7y ago

this rarely happens but it could. when a human is sleeping. a spider could hang from a wall or on the celling but when the human opens it's mouth for a breath of air. the spider can fall into it's mouth! the human will not wake up but it will sense something is in their mouth. so while there dreaming in the dream they could eat something like ice-cream. and accidentally eat the spider.

>You are recalling a Horror movie trailer, point by point, that most likely influenced you. There are no such anecdotes except intentional misleads. Spiders do not fall off the ceiling very easily, people don't sleep on their backs with their mouths open wide.

Even if the extreme odds were overcome, and a spider fell landing dead center on an open mouth, the persons gag reflex would surely wake them.

Ice cream?


As another has replied to the same question, no: It's an urban myth or old wives' tale.

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13y ago

There is a possibility but even if they do they have been doing it to people for years and theres no proven harm. Even though its sound scary its not known that people wake up often with a massive hairy beast in their mouth. Don't worry about and try not to sleep with your mouth open if your so bothered.

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14y ago

The average person eats 8 spiders while asleep in their LIFE.

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6y ago

No, we don't. That's just an urban legend.

We do likely eat bug parts in our food however. The FDA limits that, but it would be almost impossible to eliminate it all.

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Q: Do you get nightmares by eating spiders in your sleep?
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Do you have nightmares if you eat icecream before bed?

Yes. Myself and my wife have nightmares, following eating dairy products before going to sleep, specifically, ice cream and/ or milk.

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Nightmares That Surface from Shallow Sleep was created in 2002.

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One of the best and most used methods of getting rid of nightmares is drinking hot milk before you go to bed and eating chocolate.

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No, cheese consumption does not directly cause nightmares.

Does eating ice cream before bed give you nightmares?

Eating ice cream before bed could cause nightmares. Studies have shown that eating high sugar foods such as ice cream can cause nightmares.

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At what sleep stage do nightmares occur?

They occur during REM sleep, usually in the second half of the night

Why do spiders sleep?

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Why do you get nightmares from eating oranges?

Most likely than not, it could be that you happened to experience a nightmare on the night you coincidentally devoured a grapefruit. As nightmares may come in a series for some people, you could be experiencing a stretch of nightmares while eating grapefruit every night. Although connecting the two is always on mind, and might be the cause, it is most likely a coincidence.

Do you eta spiders when you are asleep?

No, when you sleep you do not "eta" spiders.

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Goliath bird having the habit of eating spiders.