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Buddhism has been a peaceful religion for its history, however it declined in countries such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Phillipines, and Xinjiang (China) due to Islamic invasions.

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There is a long history of conflicts between Hindus and Muslims in India and Pakistan, and between the primarily Hindu Tamil and the primarily Buddhist majority in Sri Lanka. Both of these conflicts have caused decades of bloodshed and hardship. These are just two examples from recent history.

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Q: Does Hinduism have any conflicts with other religions?
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Do Hinduism face any conflicts?

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Paganism. But technically I could also say things like Samaritan-ism, Zoroastrianism, Druze, Hinduism, religions which are mainly ethnic in nature and which don't exist in any large amounts in western Europe. Although, Hinduism may be an exception to that, but compared to the percentage of the other religions, I doubt Hinduism make s much of a splash in Western Europe.

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There are two ways to read this question:Did Jews encounter difficulties with other religions?Yes. Nearly all versions of Christianity and Islam caused problems for Jews at one time or another.Did Jews oppose or actively create problems with other religions?Yes. The Jews actively opposed the idolatry committed by fellow Israelites and by the neighboring non-Israelite peoples. In the Modern Era, Jews do not find the need to cause issues with non-Jewish religions.There are conflicts between Israelis and Arabs, but these are political conflicts, not religious ones.

What religions are practised all around the world?

There are about all the religions are being practised all over the world. But there are some religions which are mostly practised. Here is the list as per number of folloers against any religion. 1. Christianity 2. Islam 3. Hinduism 4. Bhudism 5. Jewism there are so many other religions and their followers. All Are Looking Great