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no if anything it would grow it

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Q: Does cardio make you lose muscle?
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I would like to lose fat, but not muscle. How can I do this easily?

If you want to lose fat and not gain muscle you should try light cardio throught out the day. You will burn more calories than you take in, and that burns fat.

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If you do too much cardio will you loose your muscle?

You will lose muscle bulk because you will be using it less. You will however have better muscles in your legs (not size but endurance). It may not make huge muscles in your arms but it still works them a little more in the shoulders though.

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Can you turn belly fat into muscle?

No, fat do not turned into muscle. What you want to do is to lose the fat by doing cardio exercises, so that the fat doesn't cover up your muscle. Then you could do some weight resistance training to increase muscle size :)

How can you lose weight but not lose muscle can anyone give you a routine so that you lose weight but keep muscle as you do weights?

If you are already working out with weights, and you are eating properly (i.e., not severely restricting your food intake) then you will not lose muscle; you will gain it. However, you might consider adding some cardio to your regular workout. Cardio exercise burns many more calories than weight training, although cardio does not strengthen and tone your muscles as much as weight training does. But do the cardio exercise BEFORE the weight training. I don't know why, but if you do the weight training first, you will be too tired to do the cardio. If you do the cardio first, you will be full of energy when you are done (as long as you don't overdo it) and you will have no problem doing the weight training. But keep in mind that muscle is more dense than fatty tissue, which means that muscle weighs more than fat. So, if you are gaining muscle by working out with weights, you most likely will not see a significant drop in your weight (unless you are significantly overweight), but you WILL see a significant drop in your body size. In other words, while the numbers on the scale may not go down dramatically, your clothing sizes WILL go down dramatically.

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Do you need to run after weight lifting to gain muscle?

no... running is cardio and if you only want to build muscle cardio is not needed at all.

What is the best exercises to do to lose weight and build muscle around the waist you have a gut starting and love handles you need to turn to muscle?

You can do all the sit-up's and crunches you want but if you don't eat right and do cardio to lose the weight, the weight around your gut won't come off. The best recommendation is to decrease your intake of calories and do moderate intensity cardio a few times a week.

How long will it take to lose weight through cardio exercise?

This depends on what type of cardio workout you are doing. Cardio is a form of workout which aids in strengthening your cardiac muscle. To lose your weight by doing cardio activities really do take a little longer than you directly target your muscle and do weight training. The myth about weight training among the women is they would gain big huge muscles, which is not true. We females do not have as much testosterone compared to a male. The female body builders take special food and supplements to gain such big muscles.

You like running but you dont want to gain muscle are there any other cardio exercises you could do that wouldn't make you gain muscle?

You'd rather be emaciated?

How do you lose fat and maintain muscle?

Mainly do cardio to lose fat but maintain muscle, bare in mind that doing only cardio will eventually lead your body not doing enough resistance training and to much endurance so you get the long distance runner look and you muscle definition will deminish. So you need to add resistance to your cardio by doing weights. weights will tear muscle fibers and when you rest your body will make these torn fibers bigger and stronger to cope with the load your lifting, doing little weights (40% of what you can lift only once) but lots of reps (30-50+) give toned look were as heavy weights (70% of what you can lift only once) but little reps (about 8-15 reps) will build muscle. On a side note the more muscle you have the more energy you burn as it increases your motabolism, eat the right amount of protein to maintain your muscle growth too.