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Q: Does chocolate ice cream melt faster then caramel ice cream?
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Carmel chocolate melts faster. On the inside. Of the chocolate there is caramel so the caramel would quickly heat up and melt. The caramel would be so hot it would quickly melt the chocolate around it.

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Would cookies n' cream of chocolate melt faster?

faster than what please tell more information. yes

Will vanilla ice cream malt faster than chocolate?

All conditions being equal chocolate ice cream should melt faster. The dark color will absorb more heat.

Which would melt faster ice cream or yogurt?

Ice cream will melt faster than yogurt, as yogurt does not melt.

Why cant vanilla ice cream melt faster then chocolate ice cream?

the dark attracts light and white refelcts the light maybe that's why

Will ice cream melt faster?

which ice cream melts faster

Who melt faster Chocolate or Villana ice-cream melt faster?

STRAWBERRY will DUH. -.-Just possibly a guess, but probably vanilla. Chocolate has many more additives, namely cocoa powder and semisweet chocolate bark. So it would take longer to break down into a liquid.

Why does chocolate melt faster than vanilla ice creams?

because vanilla ice cream has been in the frezzer for such a long time and chocolate could just have been on the bench durr!^ -lol.If you mean why chocolate ice cream melts faster than vanilla ice cream, it's probably got to do with one of these things:- Chocolate is darker than vanilla (obviously) meaning heat will be stored more quickly in chocolate.- the chocolate ice cream has a different density than vanilla making it melt more easily.

Does ice cream melt faster than frozen yogurt?

yes ice cream does melt faster than frozen yogurt because it has ice and cream in it that makes it melt faster and frozen yogurt has yogurt in it which makes it thicker and since its frozen it makes it even more thicker so ice cream does melt faster than frozen yogurt.thats why ice cream is faster melt than yogurt.

What brand of chocolate will melt faster?


Does ice cream melt faster in the shade or the sun?

The sun will melt the ice faster cause it is warm.