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No it does not relieve the pain. Also if you do exercise wear loose clothing so the area does not become more irritated and don't go too hard with exercise remember Shingles can cause fatigue. You want to make sure you are getting plenty of rest.

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Q: Does exercise help in the relief of shingles pain?
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Can you get relief from cold compresses from shingles?

Yes, a cold compress may help your shingles pain.

What are some topical treatments for shingles?

Calamine lotion can provide some relief when applied to the rash caused by shingles. Creams that contain capsaicin may also provide some relief from the pain. If the pain is intense, a physician may prescribe a topical anesthetic, such as lidocaine patches, to numb the area.

What is the best pain relief for shingles?

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Can the juice of a leek plant help to healThe shingles?

The juice of a leek plant mixed with honey and the gel from an aloe vera plant can help with the pain of shingles. There is no evidence that the juice of a leek can help heal the shingles.

What are the treatment options available for Shingles?

The treatment for shingles is usually dependent on how severe the case actually is. For minor cases, the doctor usually will just prescribe some antibiotics and some pain medication. For more severe cases, doctors may prescribe stronger medicines, such as steroids, to help relieve the outbreak.

How do you treate shingles?

There is no cure for herpes zoster (shingles), but anitviral medicines, such as Acyclovir, can shorten the duration of the break out and help reduce pain. To help treat the pain associated with shingles, your doctor can also prescribe antidepressants, steroids, or a topical steroid cream, and creams to help the itching. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever may also help. Ask the pharmacist for suggestions for over-the-counter treatments.

Can shingles pain be helped with flexeril?

Can i takr flexeril for shingles pain

How do you get relief from shoulder pain?

The steam and the deepheat rub can help

What kind of natural therapies can one take for pain relief?

Some kind of natural therapies that one can take for pain relief is the Naturopathic medicine or the Osteopathy therapy. They will help the patient to relax and relief their stress and pain.

Will Motrin help the pain of Appendicitis?

No. Pain relief medicines will not give much relief from the pain of appendicitis. Only narcotic analgesics like morphine can give you pain relief from pain of appendicitis. They should not be used in acute abdomen, unless you obtain written consent for operation.

Exercise Can Help with Pain Relief?

When dealing with an old sports injury, or a new one, light to moderate exercise can be your biggest help in managing the pain and helping the area to heal. The basic idea is to simply keep blood running through the area, to keep the cells regenerating and to reduce your reliance on pain killers and medicine in order to manage the pain. By drinking plenty of water and getting out for a walk now and then, pain can be greatly reduced in some instances.

Where can I get joint pain relief?

Heat and cold therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise are all measures that you can take to help your joints. Seeing a chiropractor is something that I would recommend if the pain continues.