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No, it doesn't cover your bills if you have your baby in a different state.

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Q: Does medicare or medicaid cover your bills if having a baby in a different state than the one your from?
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Does Medicaid pay doctor bills?

Medicare pay bills to those doctors who are associated with Medicare, and doctors who are not associated to it for those you need to refer it to Medicare administration.

If you settle your medical part of workmans comp claim can you still get medicaid or medicare to pay for future medical bills for same injury?

Only if you have Medicare or Medicaid normally. If you were declared disabled, they will pay the bills.

If your mom died and she had a child part in her home does medicare get money from home when sold to pay back what they paid on medical bills?

Medicare, no. Medicaid, yes.

Why is your mother still getting medical bills for your father who was on medicare and medicaid in state of Texas?

Because they haven't been paid. She should contact the provider(s), determine whether they've submitted the bills to Medicare/Medicaid (in that order) and, if so, what is the status (paid, denied, pending, etc.).

What problems are associated with Medicare and Medicaid?

On medicaid they say I qualify for a buy in under QMB .The state is paying my buy in but medicare sends me the bills and insist that Medicaid is not paying. I have been trying to straiten this out for 18 months now .medicare blames social security , social security blames medicaid , medicaid blames social security. Now I am told the Dept. of buy-ins is the only ones that can fix the problem. Is there such a Dept? How could I contact them?

How can you get medicare or social security help with paying your bills of 10 percent after insurance?

Neither Medicare nor Social Security is going to help you with these expenses. However, you might be eligible for Medicaid.

What to do if workman's comp settlement will not cover medical bills and they were paid by medicare?

Nothing the bills were paid by Medicare.

Why did Johnson approve of Medicare why is it needed?

Medicare was enacted to ensure that senior citizens would get medical care. Prior to Medicare, seniors were having to choose between eating, paying the bills and going to the doctor or getting medication.

Does Medicaid cover doctor bills?


If you had Medicaid which paid for hospital bills and any medical prescriptions does the hospital have the right to charge you for unpaid medical bills and also put it on your credit report?

No - medical bills covered by medicaid cannot be collected from the patient. Provide them another copy of your medicaid card for that time of service or contact medicaid and have them contact the hospital that is harassing you.

We have medicare How do I view my medicare bills and which ones have been paid and how much has been paid, and if they have been forwarded to Aetna.?

We got a not from the hospital when medicare paid. you do not need to worry about it unless you get a bill. They did everything for the bills for my parents.

Does Medicare part b pay hospital bills?
