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Yes. Don't add too much.

Baking is as much science as making food. Measurements are important.

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Q: Does the amount of sugar affect the taste of brownies?
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Why are brownies bad?

I don't know anything of what makes brownies bad to your health, except making more fat, unless you burn off the calories, but they don't really taste good, they taste burnt and horrible with nuts in them. They feel dry and sandpaper-y.

How does the type of sugar put in a cake affect the taste of the cake?

Brown sugar will vary the taste.

Is it better to use powdered sugar or granulated sugar for making brownies?

i say yes, But it wont have the same appearance and the taste will be slightly different as when using the brown sugar. But try it , you may have discovered a new taste sensation.

How does the amount of sugar affect a cookies a taste?

You can leave out the sugar,but you have to replace it with an other sweetener.Otherwise the cookie will taste more like a cracker.Reducing the sugar amount should be OK.

Why does water taste sweet when sugar is added?

The sugar dissolves in the water and you taste the sugar

How does omitting sugar affect the taste of chocolate chip cookies?

It changes the taste and texture of the cookie. Without Sugar the cookie is not sweet.

Does making chocolate chip cookies with vanilla sugar affect the taste?

Yes, it does affect the taste of the cookie. With the sugar being a flavor of vanilla, it would make the cookie have a hint of vanilla taste to it. I would expect it to taste quite well, actually.

Can I use sour cream instead of oil in brownies?

no. the brownies would not taste right if you did.

Does sugar added to milk affect anything?

it effects the taste to make it sweet and good!

Does the amount of chocolate chips in a cookie affect how fast they bake?

it doesn't affect the cookie but it will taste better

What function does the sugar have in a cake?

the sugar is added to cakes to make it taste sweeter and let other things in cake feed on it.

Why does poop taste so crappy?

because it is expired brownies