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Q: Early signs of the abolitionist movement can be seen in the emancipation of slaves or the abolition of slavery in a few southern states?
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What groups opposed the abolitionist?

Various groups opposed the abolitionist movement, including Southern slaveholders, pro-slavery politicians, and white supremacist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. These groups benefited economically and socially from the institution of slavery and feared the consequences of its abolition, such as loss of labor and power dynamics shifting. They often used violence, intimidation, and legal mechanisms to preserve slavery and suppress the abolitionist cause.

Who opposed the second great awakening?

The southern states because the Second Great Awakening promoted the abolitionist movement.

What four factors led to the civil war?

The northern US did not want slavery but the southern US did. The civil war was about abolition and states' rights, which means states wanted the right to choose whether or not they could have slavery.

Why did northern workers oppose abolition of slavery?

I don't know whether they formally opposed Abolition. But it is true that most Northerners were not greatly offended by the institution of slavery, and they certainly didn't leap into uniform to free Southern slaves. Even the Emancipation Proclamation did not convert many to the Abolitionist cause. Slavery was killed by the war itself - from when Lincoln ordered the troops to rob the enemy of his property, including slaves. Unless the Confederates were to win the war, these (ex) slaves could never be returned to their (ex) owners.

Why did the southern states hate the abolition movement?

Because the institution of slavery was at risk. If slaves were taken away, they wouldn't have the free labor they needed to run their plantations.

What did southern slaveholders do to prevent abolitionist ideas from spreading in the South?

They tried to prevent southerners from reading abolitionist materials. Southern slaveholders, in addition to stepping up their arguments about the value of slavery, tried to prevent southerners from reading abolitionist publications.

What states did Abraham Lincoln free of slavery?

Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the Southern states. The Emancipation proclamation announced that the slaves were officially and legally free. Although the Emancipation Proclamation declared Slaves of the Confederacy "Freed", it had no authority and did not free any slaves unless they made it to the North from the Confederacy. Lincoln's Abolitionist philosophy was alive and well in both the Union and the Confederacy at the time he wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. Through that edict Lincoln was able to offer a "kick start" to the movement and encourage the formation of "Underground Railroads" by Southern Abolitionist to assist escaping slaves.

What is the emancipation proclamation?

Freeing southern slaves

How was the most prominent southern abolitionist?

Maybe Moncure D. Conway.

What did emancipation mean for southern blacks?

It meant freedom

In what ways did newly freed southern slaves reshape their lives after emancipation?

After emancipation, newly freed southern slaves reshaped their lives by seeking education, forming their own communities and churches, searching for lost family members, and pursuing economic independence through sharecropping or moving to urban areas for employment opportunities. They also played vital roles in the civil rights movement, advocating for equal rights and opportunities.

Who came from a southern slaveholding family but became an important abolitionist and moved to the north in support of abolitionist efforts and became a quaker?

Angelina Grimké