


Quasars are the brightest objects yet to be discovered. The can be up to one trillion times brighter than Earth's sun. It is possible that they draw their energy from black holes.

461 Questions

When were melons first discovered?

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Melons were "discovered" on the third day when God said, "Let there be..." and mature vegetation appeared all over the earth.

How long does it take for light to hit a quasar 58656960000000000000000 miles away?

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Asked by Wiki User

It never gets here. Its light took a billion years.

What is a quasar in space?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quasars are: quasi-stellar radio sources. The consensus now is that: quasars (the most luminous objects in the Universe) are compacted regions in the middle of massive galaxies. Quasars owe their high energy to the accretion discs surrounding massive black holes at the center of these galaxies.

How many quasars are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Quasar is a powerfully energetic and distant galaxy with an active galactic nucleus surrounding a super massive black hole. Quasars show where massive black holes are growing rapidly (via accretion). These black holes grow in step with the mass of stars in their host galaxy.

Therefore there are going to billions or trillions of stars - many more than our own galaxy (~400 billion).

Do black holes come from the death of quasars?

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Asked by Wiki User

That's the current best guess; the formation of extremely powerful black holes in the centers of many galaxies. It's possible that when the central black hole in the Milky Way was forming, our own galaxy might have shined like a quasar.

This may be why we never see any aliens in space; any civilization that existed then might have been exterminated by the radiation released when the central black hole formed. Earth's biosphere formed after that, and we might be one of the first spacefaring species since.

Are Quasar formations associated with?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quasar formation is associated with the big bang. The big bang is the model of how the universe was formed.

How are black holes and quasars related?

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A massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy, and typically having a starlike image in a telescope. It has been suggested that quasars contain massive black holes and may represent a stage in the evolution of some galaxies.

So basically, it is said that Quasars contain black holes within the center of it.

What do astronomers use to study quasars?

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Scientists use radio waves to study distant quasars because quasars emit large amounts of radio waves but not much visible light.

Why do quasars exist?

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Well, we don't really know how they are formed, the most likely explanation is: Quasars are formed by enormous redshifts in a star which gives it, it's energy.

What are the properties of a quasar?

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Quasars are the most radiant objects in space. They contain a central black hole surrounded by a disk of gas and dust. They emit large amounts of radio waves but not much visible light.

What are the brightest objects in the universe called?

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They are called quasars. We occasionally observe short bursts of gamma radiation which outshine even quasars temporarily, but astronomers aren't absolutely certain yet what causes them.

What causes quasars to be formed?

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Gravity. We're not entirely certain what a "quasar" is, but the current theory is that it is a black hole forming and growing in an active galactic core. It is likely that 10 billion years ago, the Milky Way Galaxy was a "quasar", as the supermassive black hole in the center of our own galaxy was forming.

When were quasars discovered?

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The first quasars were discovered with radio telescopes in the late 1950s. However many were recorded only as radio sources with no visible object. Hundreds of these objects were recorded by 1960 and published in the Third Cambridge Catalogue. In 1960, a radio source was finally tied to an optical object. Astronomers detected what appeared to be a faint blue star at the location of the radio source. In 1962 another radio source, 3C 273,measured by Cyril Hazard and John Bolton during one of the occultations which allowed Maarten Schmidt to optically identify the object and obtain an optical spectrum. This discovery revolutionized quasar observation. The term quasar was coined by astrophysicist Hong Yee Chiu in 1964.

See related link for more information

What are quasars and where are they found in the universe?

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Asked by LooneyTunerIan

All quasars are located at a great distance from us. Of the quasars discovered, they range from between 780 million and 28 billion light years away.

Because of these distances and the velocity of light, we are seeing them early on in the creation of the Universe. They are very rare they have only found about 20 or so.

See related link for more information.

Are quasars dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quasars are only found on the furthest, most out-of-reach corners of the universe, between 2 to 28 billion light-years away. They are thought to be young galaxies as they are being formed.

While it might have a negative impact if one was close (the smallest can exceed the energy output of an entire galaxy, or 1 trillion suns), that will never happen.

Why do astronomers theorize that quasars are active nuclei?

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Asked by Wiki User

They don't.
You have not understood what the theories try to explain.
You will need to do a great deal more reading and learn a great deal more about mathematics before you can approach even a rudimentary knowledge of what is being theorised here.

What are quasars and blazars?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Pulsar or Neutron Star is the remnants of a collapsed Super Giant, created during a Super Nova. The neutrons are so densely packed that they warp the gravity around the dying star so that any radiation (radio waves) emitted from it doesn't always shine at us. Due to this warping the star becomes more like a light house and we can only see the beam when it is pointing straight at us. This constant on of is like a pulse hence the name Pulsar.

Quasars have what kind of spectral lines?

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Asked by ChantelleWolff

Quasars have all kinds of spectral lines namely more energetic ones which makes them the brightest objects in the night sky.

Can you see quasars down on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes only with large telescopes though.

How was chalk first discovered?

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Asked by KathrynTydus

Chalk is a naturally occurring mineral. The "white cliffs of Dover" are made of chalk. It has been used for marking and painting by many ancient cultures.

Today's 'chalk' that is found in classrooms is a clay composite. It is poured into molds.

Can quasars explode?

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Asked by Wiki User

whoever erased my answer needs to stop hatin. just cuz you follow mainstream science and have become well versed at regurgitating old news and beliefs gives u no right to erase others ingenuity. before my work got erased the answer to this question is yes, quasars do explode. mainstream science believes that the universe began hence that means that any observation into deep field is labeled the past. unfortunateley if you were thinking in pictograms then you would be an observer on earth looking out into deep field the shape you would be visualizing is a sphere. where we are the center and the expansion is the out skirts of the sphere which was the begininng of this inflated bubble theory. of course if you bought in to this center of the universe theory then this may seem correct. In my theory there is no percieveable shape to the universe it is in chaos or turbulence. The turbulence is energy fluctuations that exists in the form of eternal movement in all infinite directions hence the universe is infinite and eternal. The real question of why the universe exists is replaced with the universe just is. Always in a state of turbulential energy fluctuations that combine and create different densities of energy. turbulence as you may know when influenced by a movement of force in any given direction will form a vortex. This natural occurring pattern of the vortex is prevalent in all of nature the sacred spiral of life. as energy combines into a consolidated direction it forms te vortex which is two sided in space thus forming opposing jets of distributing matter in equal directions since matter cannot be created nore destroyed the jets shoot off in opposites becuz tere is no other way to distribut energy into space evenly thus this budding vortex energy has a distribution that begins to become centralized enoug to pull other matter towards it. the heat that is produced manifest elements as it fuses and cools creating gases which condense to form heavier elements which in turn create stars and supernovae which create planets and thus beginnig galactic systems as this can be observed as star clusters which consolidate to form galaxies. since there is an eternally infinite supply of energy there will be always a larger merger point within an area of space that has a lot of matter hence as galaxies form there will be enire galactic eras of galaxy merging were big galaxies collide and merge with one an other to form consolidated entities of even bigger galaxies. so the obvious answer iswhen galaxies merge there will be less density of energy between galaxies as the galaxies will be pulling matter towards themselves thus resulting in increased distances between galaxies. so the only question left to ask is that

What is a quasar and a pulsar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars that appear to pulse.

Quasars are the brightest objects in our universe, but are technically not stars although they are star-like, I think they are the oldest objects in our universe. No one is exactly sure of what they are.

it is assumed by the astronomers that quasars were formed just after a few minutes to hours the big bang occurred. They have a dense core with unimaginable heat within it & sometimes may contain a black hole inside it"s core.