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Living conditions for slaves were that they would sleep on unsanded wood boards naked, as well they would be chaned to the ground by their arms and legs.

they had to work under the hot sun wich caused diseases. also they where beaten if they didnt do something right or didnt work hard enough.

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13y ago
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11y ago

They helped to build this country. And they created some of the most revolutionary inventions that have made our nation the modern convenient society it is today. The reason that most people don't know this is because slaves had no rights so they had to give their ideas to their owners who in turn to all the credit. Check out Black Inventors....Amazing!

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14y ago

They were not forced into slavery , because of the Imperialism at the time Africa was taken over by many European countries & the people of Africa were forced into slavery by being sold . African Americans weren't the only slaves.

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13y ago

The Africans were not Africans!...when the people that were taken from Africa they were gathered by the Real AFRICANS. The people enslaved were Hebrew Israelites! The slave posters never called the captives Africans. They were known by bywords and proverbs (i.e Negro, Colored, Darkies, Ni**ers)

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15y ago

On Slave Ships. these were not very good conditions and some slaves died on the journey

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16y ago

The answer is simple - Slaves are slaves - that means that they act as slaves - work and do everything that wants their master

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13y ago

the early colonists needed labor for there plantations. native people would die form disease, so around 1515, the Spanish imported the first slaves to the new world

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12y ago

because they were dying of diseases and because diseases were spreading

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13y ago

they became slave if they were a prisoner

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Q: How African became slaves?
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1. During reconstruction, African-Americans founded their own churches, which often became center of the African-American community, and the only institutions that African-Americans fully controlled. Also, with 95% of African-American slaves being illiterate, former slaves acquired education to become economically self-sufficient.

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Where were African slaves first brought to work?

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