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I was on 3 to 4 8mg. subutex for about 5 years. I tapered down quite slowly so the wds wouldn't be so bad. Well, for me it was one of the worst kicks I ever had. Right up there with Methadone. I was 60 years old when I finally kicked them, so it probably was worse cause of being older. But it was bad. It took me about 3 months to start feeling a little normal. The first few days were the worst cause of the horrible leg aches. My doctor finally gave me some Valium which really helped calm me down. Sorry to tell you the bad news, but everybody's different.

Hate to agree with the above statement, but it is the worst thing to kick, by far! But it can be done if you really want it and have good support and attend a great NA group, daily when you first kick esp! Good luck to all this helps! If you can avoid Buprenorphine ( the active ingredient in Suboxone & Subutex) or Methadone treatment, Please, please save yourself from the misery that will ultimately follow when you have to quit.! The best thing to do is find an in-patient rehab that will detox you with a benzo so that you can detox comfortably! And discover the true root of your addiction, none of us are addicts just cause we like to get high, we;re trying to forget something or not deal with our own reality. That's why some people can go to a party, do a ton of coke or whatever, but never touch it again.

But yet there are us addicts that we get hooked the very 1st snort, hit, bang, whatever. I heard the best thing at the very first NA meeting I went to that has made more sense than anything I've ever heard in my life "God looks after children and fools, well drug addicts are fools and the most sad people you could ever really know, if they could just get clean so you could know the real person hidden under those drugs."Hope this helps somebody! My email and phone # are under my profile,plz call or write if I can help in any way! Thanks! Sarah

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12y ago
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13y ago

The WD really depends on how much Suboxone you took and for how long a period of time, also your body type and function. Personally though, after small usage I experienced a bad withdrawal for about 3-4 hours.

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10y ago

Suboxone is Very addictive! I've done everything there is to do, oxys, roxys, heroin, all benzos, tabs, percs, meth, coke, crack, x, methadone, Adderall, Ritalin, amphetamines, LSD, shrooms, mescaline, really pretty much eveything! And I have come off all of those at different times, some there were hardly any withdrawls (mescaline,shrooms, LSD, adderall & ritalin, meth, and amphetamines) But others were tougher- oxys, roxys, benzos, tabs, pretty much all opiates (except Heroin), you can expect withdrawls of only no more than 3 days and these are minor, diarrhea, trouble concentrating(due to lack of being able to sleep well) and some sore muscles and possibly a sore lower back. To counter these symptons, take anit-diarrheal (which actually has an ingredient that your brain treats like an opiate, which is why they believe it cures the diarrhea and upset stomach and it'll just make ya feel better in general. In summation, lay down on your couch and fell a little rough for 3 days and get over cause it ain't that bad! Coke and crack only takes about a week to kick physically, but i slept thru most of it! Methadone is about a week of sickness depending on if you're weaned down correctly. BUT, still nothing compare to the withdrawl from Buprenorphine (the medicine in Suboxone and Subutex! I was on 4 8mg sublingal Subutexs/day for over six years. But I wasn't ready to be clean i just wanted a way to still get high legally, and it worked. But then my husband lost his well paying job and we could no longer afford the $150 DR fee/week and the $265/script each week, so we had to quit cold turkey. I wanted to kill myself, I didn't sleep for 3 days straight, I had to pee literally every 2 mins, horrible diarrhea sometimes 15 times/day even taking immodium, sneezing a million times a day(didn't even know that was a withdrwl symptom til I got to rehab!) fever, seizures, chills, muscle spasms, and my back felt tlike it wasbreaking in half (I later learned that Buprenorphine and Methadone are exclusive in the fact the the drugs in them replace the marrow in your bones with the medication so it can store itself up inside your body, almsot like a a parasite to me, you are 4-5 times more likely to break a bone while on either of these cause of that. I broke my tail bone by bumping into the corner of my dresser, But def, not hard enough to break my tail bone as badly as i did, the ER DR told me it was because of the Subutex I was on. So eventually I found out I was pregant and tried to rehab but they told me I needed too be on ubutex or methadone, so i went to the sub clinic and went to the women's NA meetignlike I was suppossed to and took my daily dosage, only it took me a while to stop snortignthem, cause that's the way I always did pills, but before my daughter was born I was down to 1 8mg tablet/day and i wa only doing half. I continued to go to my dr for 5 months after she was born & thye had moved me down to the the 2mg tablets only one/day. I had a wonderful DR. who really cared and I was ready to be clean & do it the right way, and that really is the only way to get clean. You really can't do it for anyone but yourself! Unless you're on some serious stuff like Heroin, I would not suggest Suboxone, just because the withdrawls are so terrible. I can really say now that there is no magic pill to cure addiction without withdrawl, but when you really want it, you will do it without a pill. I would recommend a rehab that detoxes with a benzo, this is about the only thing that will stop most of your withdrawls, however most of these rehabs only detox you for the 1st 3 days w/ a benzo where as unlike other opiates, because it stores itself in your body, your withdrawl symptoms won't show up full force until you've been clean for about 2-3 days. Please research another option besides Suboxone or methadone. Good luck to you and God Bless you! i will definetly be praying for you! You can find my email and phone number under my profile if there is anything else i could help you with. Sorry it's such a long response but I hope it was informative for you!

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Q: How addictive is suboxone and how bad are the withdrawls?
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Is suboxin addictive?

YES. suboxone is an addictive substance.

What if you dropped from 22mgs of suboxone to 10mg what would happen?

slight withdrawls, not too noticible, I had trouble sleeping and some chills. That's pretty much it

What happens if you take Oxycontin while going through suboxone withdrawals?

No, you will not go into withdrawls, however, it would be a waste of Diluadid since Suboxone is an opiod-blocker and keeps you from getting high off of any opiate. But if you were taking Dilaudid and then immediately began taking Suboxone, THAT would cause you to go into withdrawls.

Your doctor wont ween you off SUBOXONE you want to know cause im not longer an addict if you can go to another doctor and get prescibed something to take the place of the suboxone until the withdrawls?

Try an herb called "kratom" -- I used it to quit oxycodone because it's easier to get off than suboxone.

Does suboxone give you withdrawal when stop taking?

most doctors dealing with subutex or suboxone deal with what they refer to as the taper systerm. all this meaning that if you stop a high dose cold turkey you will feel withdrawls, but not as bad as if you were taking an opiate. the best way to aviod sub w/d is to taper down to lower and lower doses before comming off. best advice if you decide to stop cold turkey is to use some sort of anti anxiety med.

How is opiate withdrawal treated?

Two basic treatment approaches are used for managing opiate withdrawal. The first involves treating the symptoms of the withdrawal with appropriate medication

Doe your eys dialate on suboxone?

No, all opioid drugs, agonists and partial agonists alike, cause constriction of the pupil. The only time the pupil will dialate is when the person is going through withdrawls.

Can you mix orange suboxone with white suboxone?

There's always bad reactions for some people but you should be fine

Can Suboxone be used for anxiety?

Suboxone will not adequately treat Xanax withdrawal, since the two drugs act very differently in your body. Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist while Xanax deals with GABA. Suboxone does not deal with GABA and Xanax does not deal with opioid receptors.

What drug causes a physical and psychological yearn?

Both alcohol and opiates (opium, heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, Suboxone, etc.) are physically addictive. As far as I know, they are the only drugs that are physically addictive. Amphetamines, methamphetamines and cocaine are extremely psychologically addictive, as well as chemically addictive, but not physically addictive. Ecstasy also has a fairly high potential for psychological and chemical addiction, but it is not as addictive as speed, meth, or coke. Hallucinogens (LSD, marijuana, salvia, peyote, mescaline) are neither chemically addictive nor physically addictive. They can be psychologically addictive, though.

My husband is addicted to loratab's and going through really extremely bad mood swings is this normal?

Yes. He is having withdrawls. Should only take 2-3 weeks to get over withdrawls. if not a month max

What would happen if you took 10mg methadone then took a very small amount of suboxone several hours later?

It is not recommended to take suboxone and methadone together within a few hours apart. You should give yourself time to get one out of your system before taking the other. Mixing methadone and suboxone can result in sickness and withdrawals.