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one main reason was trade, it was cut back by the ooponents

the Germans sinking the LUSITANIA by subwarfare

propoganda, citizens were becoming to be outraged by the war

to save American culture, language, and heritage

the zimmerman note ( note from German to Mexico asking them to join on their behalf and keep Americans busy at home and out of their hair for an easier war. They bribed them with land such as Texas that they lost to America prior to this war.

adn also to end the war and, "break the stalemate"

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Q: How and why did th U.S. get involved in World War 1?
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The Americans.

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The US wasn't involved in WW2 until japan bombed pearl harbour. after that the US joined the allied forces which included the following countries: Australia, Britian, French, Newzealand (i think) and a few other but you get the drift