

Best Answer
Answer A: A Muslim viewIf you mean by Heaven the God Paradise, then to go to Heaven:
  • you have to worship God as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.
  • You have to follow God commands per His holy book and His Prophet.
  • You should do good deeds and maintain good morals.
Refer to questions below for more information. Answer B: A Chritian view:

There is only ONE GOD and Only ONE way to God. This way is the Way God Himelf provided us through His Son Jesus. Only Jesus came from heaven and went back to heaven. In order for anyone to go to heaven one has to follow the

One who went back to heaven.

Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

Sin is what seperates us from God. Only Jesus came to remove our sins by His sacrificial death on the cross. This is why Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. There's only one real way of getting there ... Being good , going to church And reading your bible are really good things to do but they won't get you in to heaven. You have to be perfect to get to heven but since non of us are , God knows this and sent Jesus to die for us to male us perfect to God ..

All we need to do is believe in Jesus and ask GOd to forgive us all the times we've gone aggainst him ...

Easy as that tbh ...

Answer C: A different belief:From the beginning of humanity there has only been One God alone. Adam taught his children to believe in the One God without worshipping anyone else, and to obey God's commandments to the best of their ability. That is the key to Heaven. God did not have a son, as Christians believe. Jesus was God's blessed servant and messenger - but Only God is to be worshipped. Only God is God.

Worship the One God who has no partners at all, and do your best to obey His comandments. If you fall into sin, make repentance and ask the One God to forgive you. He will.

That is the message of all the true Prophets of God.

Answer D: A biblical and historical presentation.

Believe it or not (read for yourself), there is absolutely no scripture in ALL The Bible that says Christians go to heaven when they die!!! Indeed, Jesus, Himself, stated that NO ONE except Christ has ever ascended up into heaven (John 3:13). How much cleared must it be for belief?

Even secular works have noted this teaching as The New International Encyclopedia, 1st edition's article, "Heaven" explains: 'The dominant view in the early Church seems to have been that until the return of the Lord upon the clouds of heaven to raise the dead, those who had died were ASLEEP, and that they would be suddenly awakened to be given their new bodies, after which they would reign with Him on EARTH for a thousand years.' So were did this idea of man come from?

History clearly shows that the teachings of the newly forming Catholic Church fathers like Clement of Alexandria, Origen and others, gradually turned most professing Christians from the belief in a literal 1,000 year reign of Christ on Earth. These fathers were largely influenced by Greek thought of an Immortal Soul (taken from Egyptian belief via Socrates but mainly pushed by Aristotle). They taught that the patriarchs, prophets, and pious men of the old dispensation were detained in a preparatory 'home' they called 'Limbus Patrum' until the Redeemer came. Sound familiar?

Then in the work of Dante's, 'Divine Comedy,' ideas of heaven and hell became incorporated into the mother church. Today, the idea of heaven being the ultimate reward of the saved is nearly universal but sadly a false teaching reinforced daily by most Christian-professing churches. I recall being taught that if I believe in Christ (solely), I would go to heaven when I die, sitting on clouds, playing my harp with family and friends, looking into the face of the Master for eternity. I am glad I have read the Bible for myself and studied materials to disprove this myth.

As father Abraham showed us in his life, we must Obey God's Law in the faith of His Son, Jesus, if we desire to inherit the Earth as promised to the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:16,29) and noted in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:5). Just read it for yourselves as neither Jesus or His apostles taught the righteous go to heaven.

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12y ago

The Bible says in John 14:6, this is Jesus speaking when his disciple, Thomas asked Him, how can we know the way to heaven, and Jesus said unto him," I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

The Father, God, is in Heaven, and the only way to get there is through Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh.

Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners.

According to the Bible, we are all sinners, and we have all offended a perfect, Holy, God....our Creator. The Bible also says that the wages, or payment, for sin is someone HAS to die for our sins....and God loved us so much that He sent his only, begotten Son to come into this world of sin and woe, and die, and pay for our sins.....Christ took our place and died for us when He died on the cross. Christ's blood was the ultimate and final payment for our sin. When Jesus Christ offered Himself as our sacrifice, and took our place, God was satisfied, and we need not do anything else because of HIS sacrifice. We simply repent of our sin and put our complete faith and trust in Christ Jesus, that when He died on the cross for our sins, and was buried, and rose again, that that ultimately paid for our sins, THEN we can have eternal life, and KNOW that we are going to heaven.

The Bible says that all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags, and that there is none righteous, no NOT ONE!

We are not good. Since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, man has disobeyed God and rejected Him. The only way to be reconciled to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord for the wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus Christ!!

Another Answer:

Jehovah's Witnesses as Christians, are NOT SEEKING to go to heaven when they die. We do NOT teach our children about going to heaven. We do NOT preach about going to heaven in our house-go-house ministry.

The Bible says that 'the meek' will have a DIFFERENT inheritance. The meek shall "inherit the earth" not heaven. So when we die, we will simply sleep in death; awaiting the RESURRECTION back to life right here on earth. There are over 7 million ordained ministers of Jehovah's Witnesses who have no desire what-so-ever, of getting to heaven.

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12y ago

According to some Christian sects, if you belive in Jesus Christ then you are going to heaven it doesnt matter what you do or how bad you are.According to others, it does in fact matter what you do and how bad you are, though most have some way to atone for your sins if you want to become a good person and accept Christ.Other religions have different views: Judaism and Islam don't want you to believe in Jesus but have similar qualifications as Christianity in other respects, while Buddhism and Hinduism believe in reincarnation and karma - if you're a good person, you'll be reincarnated as something better, if you aren't you'll come back as something worse or less significant. Atheists believe that there isn't anything after this world, while agnostics question the judeo-christian idea of heaven.

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11y ago

A sinner cannot enter into heaven. But Jesus paid the price of our ransom and purged our sins. He can and only He can forgive our sins as He is the creator (Jn 1:1-3, 10). He is the only way to heaven (Jn 14:6). He only can give us spiritual life (Jn 10:11) By accepting Jesus Christ as your personal saviour and praying to Him to forgive all our sins, we can get forgivenss of sin. By accepting Him we become son of God (Jn 1:12,13). Through Him we can enter into heaven!

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14y ago

According to scripture there is only one way to heaven, Jesus Christ. A person must repent from their sin and have faith in Jesus Christ, that he is the only way to heaven. Repentance is not only asking God for forgiveness but it means to turn away from sin. The word repent means to make a 180 degree turn and to start obeying how Jesus told us we should live our lives. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

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8y ago

Jesus said He is the only way for people to be saved/have eternal life/go to heaven.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

The Bible tells us that all people have gone astray and no longer have a relationship with God the creator and sustainer of all things. This is called sin.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

The Bible also says that one day God will judge all people and because of their sin.

But the Bible also says that God has provided a way for people to escape the judgement they are due, that is through the death of Jesus Christ who died to appease God's wrath.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

A Christian is a person who believes this and has accepted God's gift of salvation from judgment.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

1John 5:11-13 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God

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8y ago

According to the Almighty Creator LORD God of the Old Testament, JESUS CHRIST, who made the universe and everything in it [see Gen.1 & John 1:3 & Heb.1:1-2]:

"There is NO ONE gone up to heaven [that is, the 'third heaven' of God's throne - see II Cor.12:1-2], except the One WHO CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN - the Son of Man Himself." (John 3:13 MNT Montgomery New Testament)

And: "...'for a little longer I AM with you, and then I AM GOING MY WAY TO HIM who sent Me. You will search for Me and will not find Me, and where I AM you CANNOT COME.'" (John 7:34 MNT)

A very rare few people today seem to believe what Jesus says... but there it is. The Bible speaks of THREE HEAVENS: the breathable atmosphere that surrounds planet earth where birds fly and clouds form [heaven #1]; the universe beyond earth's atmosphere where the galaxies, planets and stars reside [heaven #2]; and the heavenly realm or plane or whatever or wherever it is, beyond man's ability to comprehend, where the Father's throne resides [heaven #3; see again II Cor.12:1-2].

Man, in his creative imagination, speaks of things like "seventh heaven" and "cloud 9"... but the Bible, the Truth of God [see John 17:17], only reveals "three" heavens.

And Jesus tells us, Truly, that man is FORBIDDEN to go to the "third heaven," from whence He came and to which He returned long ago.

So, when the question is asked, "What must you do to go to heaven?" and it's under the category of the "Bible" -- then, the question should stipulate "to which biblical heaven it is referring."

What little we know about the "third heaven" is only revealed in God's Word as OFF-LIMITS to ALL MEN except the One Man who came from there originally: the WORD of God, Jesus Christ... who went back there long ago, and sits at the Right Hand of His Father to this day.

The other "two heavens" man has more experience with, and is a little easier to answer.

To the "first heaven" men go EVERY DAY! Head down to any airport anywhere in the world and you can book a flight into the first heaven. Or... just look up from where you're standing and take a deep breath, and BREATHE IN THE AIR OF THE FIRST HEAVEN... because we're already in it!

The "second heaven" is a little tougher to get to... and infinitely more difficult to live and breathe there. God put stringent restrictions on man's mortal ability to go to and/or live in the second heaven. Specialized training and equipment is required to go to the second heaven... much less remain there for any length of time.

The "third heaven," again, few people know about, not believing the Bible as they do; with the Bible assuring man that it's OFF-LIMITS to him.

And so... to get to the "first heaven": a man must "pay a fee" to get to the upper reaches of it. Or... he can simply enjoy the little patch of it right where he is standing, and just breathe it in.

Getting to the "second heaven" takes special training in a very exclusive club or association of men who have the equipment to get there and to survive there for any length of time.

Getting to the "third heaven" requires the power of the universe that Satan and his demons thought they had in the beginning, to OVERPOWER GOD and his angels! Because "going to the third heaven of God's throne" is SATAN'S MOST PROFOUND, HEARTFELT DESIRE! Because he has always wanted to BE GOD!

"For you said to yourself, 'I WILL ASCEND TO HEAVEN [SATAN SAYS... AND WANTS TO: GO TO HEAVEN] and SET MY THRONE above God's stars [stars are biblical symbolism for angels - see Rev.1:20]..." (Isa.14:13 NLT New Living Translation)

That's the ONLY VERSE in the Bible that comes close to saying "go to heaven" referring to the "third heaven" of the Father's throne. And it's SATAN's desire... not God's promise to anyone. Is it any wonder why the false satanic religions of this world all include some sort of "heaven" to which "dead people go".... believing that it's "God's promise to them?"

When in biblical point of fact... it's only the "promise of this world's god": the one who "...IS A LIAR and THE FATHER OF LIES!" (John 8:44 NLT)

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9y ago

Christian Perspective: John 14:6 Jesus said,"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father except through me." This means that the only way to get to heaven is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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8y ago

First of all, the only way you can go to heaven is if heaven exists. That may seem a truism, but not everyone believes it to be so, and there is no real proof that heaven does indeed exist.

Even among those who believe in heaven, there is wide range of opinions as to what is required for entry into heaven. The most common, but certainly not universal, belief is that it is not possible to enter heaven unless you believe in Jesus as your saviour.

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