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Liberal ideals include valuing human life and human rights. The relevance to the Civil Rights Movement is therefore obvious. As for the anti-war movement, note that there was a military draft at that time (unlike the current Iraq and Afghanistan wars) so not only were American soldiers dying in the Vietnamese War, but most of them were drafted into the army and therefore didn't even have a choice as to whether they did or did not want to risk their lives for the sake of this war and its objective of preventing North Vietnam from conquering South Vietnam. Therefore, the war was harmful both to human life, and to human rights. And in addition to the harm done to Americans, the war was also very damaging to Vietnam, which will take a long time to recover from the devastation and the toxic pollution of Agent Orange used in the war. From the liberal perspective, fear of communism does not justify such destruction, and better solutions should have been found.

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Q: How did American liberal ideals serve as a catalyst for the movements of the 1960s civil rights anti-war during the Vietnam War?
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