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i had fun wit yo gurl last nite cuh ,, showd her wuts gud 8==============D

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Q: How did conquest contribute to the spread of Muslim culture?
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How did conquest contribute to spread of Muslim culture?

i had fun wit yo gurl last nite cuh ,, showd her wuts gud 8==============D

How did the Mycenaeans spread their culture around the Aegean Sea?

By conquest and settlement.

Muslims culture spread all the way to Spain through conquest and trade.Which culture spread across much of the ancient world in the same way?

Greek, then Roman, and later Spanish, French and British.

What was a lasting effect on European culture from the Muslim conquests?

The religion of Islam was spread. (study island answer)

What were the results of the Muslim conquest?

Religious differences still divide Hindus and Muslims.

How did Alexander the Great conquest of Greece Asia Minor Egypt and Persia influence these cultures?

There was a temporary spread of Greek culture, however later conquest from Rome and Asian peoples reverse much of this.

How did ancient Muslim culture spread to Europe?

Even though Muslims did conquer Spain, the reason that Muslim culture spread to Europe was because Islam, was in a very good location for trade. They were surrounded by many bodies of water (for boats to come in and trade). They were also surrounded by three continents (for people to come in and trade by foot or caravan). People from Europe came in to trade and encountered many Muslims. These European traders came in touch with many things that Muslims did as part of their culture. They then decided on their own to convert. These caused the spread of Muslim culture to Europe!

How did Rome spread?

By conquest.

What period marked the spread of greek culture throughout the Mediterranean?

During the Hellenistic Period (roughly the fourth century BC through the first century BC) Greek culture spread throughout the Mediterranean, first by Alexander the Great's conquest, then by the Roman empire.

What is the spread of Islam throughout Africa an example of?

Islam did not spread the same way throughout all of Africa. In North Africa, Islam spread by conquest. In West Africa and along the Indian Ocean, Islam spread by contact between Muslim merchants and local Non-Muslims.

Which culture spread across much of the ancient world through conquest and trade?

Many cultures did such as ancient Greece, ancient, Rome and other great ones too.

How did merchants help spread Islam?

Merchants spread Islam through ways of communication. A Non-Muslim merchant would meet a Muslim merchant and learn about his culture, traditions, and religions. On come occasions, this would result in conversion due to the perceived merits of Islam.