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Answer 1

One of the answers to the Arab-Israeli conflict involves is that Abraham's descendants are still fighting over the Promised Land given to them by God.

1948 by U.N decision.

War broke as some Arab countries didn't like the idea of Jewish settlement in the Middle East.

Palestine was a Colony under British rule. The British made a "deal" granting Arab independence in Palestine and granting them control from the Euphrates to the Nile.

Answer 2

The Jewish tribes (who originated from the Arab tribes) decided to find their own homeland in ancient times and sometimes use force to find it. The other Arab tribes have not really ever agreed with their reasoning or their methods. The Western powers tried resolving the dispute by creating the new state of Israel but the Arab states still didn't agree - partially because some of Israel is on holy Arab land. As the West is seen as the reason for the brutal Crusades (against ancient Muslim occupation of Jerusalem and the Holy Land), the Arabs have never taken kindly to Israel having Western allies. Also, Israel's tough methods of altering their boundaries ever since the West's intervention a few decades ago -mostly against the wishes of the West- have angered the other Arab tribes all over again. The ancient conflict over who owns the holy lands still wages. So these other Arab tribes to this day still demonstrate their anger strongly (with threats to remove Israel from the map and with terrorism, etc.) and this in turn leads to Israel responding to their threats more strongly. It is difficult to ever see an end.

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12y ago

Answer 1

This is a very complex issue. It started with Faisal bin Hussein of Syria leading other Arab leaders to sign a treaty promising the Zionist Organization a sovereign state in exchange for fighting the Ottomans. (Faisal-Weizmann Agreement).

The Zionists did not receive said land after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. So they began a mass migration into Palestine to take what they were legally promised. Although, the land location had never been promised.

So, technically and according to international law, both were wronged. The Zionists by the Arab Club and the Palestinians by the Zionists.

The first violent action was taken by Palestinian political figure Haj Amin al-Husseini who incited a riot that resulted in the death of 6 Zionists in Palestine.

Answer 2

Strictly as written, the conflict between the Arab Nations and Israel began on the day after Israel declared Independence when the Arab countries declared war on Israel.

Generally speaking, the conflict formed from the differing views of the Zionist Jews and the Nationalist Arabs in the territory and their vastly different desires for the land. Neither side specifically dealt the first blow as each side can cite earlier and earlier grievances up to a point at which the conflict becomes something unrelated to the current controversy.

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11y ago

Answer 1

Since 1948 there have been five wars between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

--1948 Independence War.

--1956 Suez War

--1967 Six Day War.

--1967-1970 Attrition War.

--1973 Yom Kippur War.

All the wars were started by Arabs.

All the wars were won by Israel.

Answer 2

The conflict goes back far earlier with Jews claiming that the land of Israel is theirs by right in line with a promise made in the Hebrew Bible. Muslims also claim rights to the land in line with the Qur'an. The validity of those claims has been debated for more than a millennium and there has been no consensus reached so far.

It is this long running conflict that has been the root of the five wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1967-1970 and 1973. The politics of the region are remarkably complex with opinions polarized across the world. Each war was triggered by events relating to the long held claims to the land. The more difficult question of who was responsible for the wars will garner very different answers from those involved and like the issue of rights to the land, these questions are still being debated.

Answer 3

Each of the different Arab-Israeli Wars started for a different reason. The Arab-Israeli Conflict also has it genesis in a complex set of events. Look at the Related Questions below for more information.

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12y ago

The southern border of Israel was put under pressure by the Egyptian army immediately following Great Britain's signing off on the return of lands to the Palestinians and the Israelis in 1948.

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13y ago

Prior to 1948, the territory that is now Israel was the British Mandate of Palestine. Britain had taken over the mandated territory from the former colonial power, Turkey, following the First World War and was close to granting independence on a democratic, one-state basis that would inevitably favour the Palestinians, when the Jews decided to resolve matters in their own favour.

The Zionists began a terrorist campaign with the objective of driving the British out. The British finally relented and handed the Palestinian question over to the United Nations, which at first proposed a unitary, democratic state, but then agreed to a two-state solution preferred by the Jews, with both sides having equal shares. Gradually, the Jewish negotiators whittled away the Palestinian share of the proposal, until the United Nations Green Line was reached. The Soviet Union and United States supported the Jews in the United Nations.

In the period leading up to the Jewish declaration of independence, they armed their citizens until they were ready to begin the civil war. This was the opportunity to drive many of the Palestinians out of the area that was to become Israel, with some forced over the border into Lebanon and Jordan as refugees, while others were driven into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The Green Line was never implemented, as the Jews expanded Israel's borders further. After the Declaration of Independence, Israel's envoys encouraged the rulers of Jordan and Egypt to annex the West Bank and Gaza strip. This plan would mean that there no longer were any Palestinians - just Jordanians and Egyptians, but the Palestinians did not assimilate into their neighbours as planned.

After the 1967 War, Israel annexed the Palestinian territories of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem and began settling Jews in these territories. Again, the Jewish settlements were not intended to remain part of a future Palestinian sovereign state, and the Jews who settled there were not intended to become Palestinian citizens. Each new settlement simply whittled away at the Palestinian territories.

Both sides continue to attack the other; the Palestinians through the use of primitive rockets, the Israelis through military power and, unofficially, rifle fire from settlers on the West Bank. A protective wall and fence has been built between Israel and the West Bank, but in places cuts deep into Palestinian territory, creating further resentment.

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7y ago

The Arab-Israeli Conflict has its origins in the confrontation between immigrant Zionist Jews in the Mandate of Palestine and their interaction with the indigenous Arabs in the 1920s and 1930s. Before that point, the Immigration into the land had been a small trickle and Arabs were not terribly concerned. However, the Jewish immigration in the 1920s was quite large and disruptive. By the mid 1930s, both sides had developed militias which they used both to attack British colonial institutions and each other. Jews also flooded back to the Holy Land following World War II, since they felt that they would always be persecuted in countries where they were the minority. In 1947, as UN Resolution 181 was being debated, a full-scale war erupted between the Jewish militias and the Arab militias. When Israel declared its independence in 1948, the Arab States joined in the War which caused it to be internationally recognized and called the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9. The on and off conflict that has remained unresolved for over half a century now.

Therefore, if we use the terms Israeli and Arab retroactively to those people who would eventually identify or would be identified as Israelis or Arabs, the conflict started during the 1920s. If we require that these terms be strictly applied, then the conflict started in 1948 when Israel declared its independence.

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