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Q: How did the Preamble to the constitution help framers decide on the method of voting?
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What were three method of presidential election discussed by the framers?

The three methods of the presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution were; Congressional selection, direct vote of the people and electoral college. In the end electoral college won out.

What caused the Framers of the US Constitution to include impeachment as a method of redress?

Perhaps the primary reason that the process of impeachment was included in the US Constitution was the fear the Framers had about the possibility of a despot taking control of the government.

What are the four methods that justices might use to interpret the constitution and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

1. The plain meaning of the words in the Constitution Adv. The court can base its decisions closest to how the Framers meant the Constitution to be interpreted. Dis. Not all questions are answered in the Constitution and there were disagreements on some meanings of words. 2. The intention of the framers Adv. It is most faithful to the ideas of the Constitution. Dis. It was really hard to determine what the Framers meant on some issues. There are no guidelines for the types of situations that did not exist when the Constitution was written. 3. The Constitution is based on some fundamental principles of government Adv. Uses the basic ideas of our government on basic principles and values. 4. Today's social values and needs Adv. They use more modern approaches that fit to our current culture. Dis. People opposed to methods 3 and 4 say that it gives the justices too much freedom to decide cases according to their own political and personal beliefs.

Why did the framers of the constitution create a mechanism for amending the constitution but then make it very difficult to actually make any changes?

The Framers didn't want the Constitution being changed on a regular basis for any other reason aside from one of the utmost importance. As a result, while there is an involved process, with mandatory approval required from the different houses of Congress, amending the Constitution is possible if needed.

What was the process that the Framers select for ratifying the Constitution?

The Framers of the Constitution directed that Constitutional conventions be elected by the people of the various states for the express purpose of voting for or against ratification and that 9 of the thirteen original states had toratify it.. They chose this method rather than simply having the state legislatures ratify it, because they wanted the Constitution to be chosen by the people through delegates elected by them for that specific purpose. That way it truly would be a government by "We the People." In addition, they recognized that the Constitution was a totally new form of government that would replace the Articles of Confederation. The Framers had been delegated to reform the Articles, not make a new Constitution. This also made it important for the people themselves to have a say in its ratification.

Which method of selecting the president did many of the framers initially favor?

Congress chooses the President.

Which method of selecting president did many of the framers initially favor?

Congress chooses the President.

Why did framers include amending the constitution?

The framers of the Constitution were wise to provide a way for the document to be amended. They realized that society would change as time passed, and new issues they could not foresee might come up. So, the framers made the Constitution changeable, but hard to do so, so that it could not be changed on a whim.

What are the two steps of the second method of amending the constitution?

The two steps in the second method of amending the Constitution are: proposal by Congress and ratification by conventions.

What is the first method that can be used to change the constitution according to article 5?

the third method the 4th method

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