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Mos of the younger citizens felt he was a great leader and was improving all of Germany but the older citizens did no like him neither did the people of the superior race. In Nazi Gemany public opinion was monitored by a network of spies. Hitler and the Nazi r�gime were fairly popular in the 1930s and popularity peaked at the time of the French surrender in June 1940. Thereafter it declined, at first gradually, then much more quickly, especially after Stalingrad. 90% of the German citizens were on Hitler's side; but hardly any of that 90% knew about the Holocaust.

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16y ago
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9y ago

In present day Germany, holocaust is deeply regretted by a majority of German people. Youth in Germany is taught the history and informed about the evil practices of Nazi regime in schools at a young age and are made aware of the atrocities committed during the period. An overwhelming majority of German do not support the actions of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany and regret their actions.

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13y ago
Answer 1The highest percentage of the nationwide vote obtained by the Nazis in free elections was 37% in July 1932. This wasn't quite the resounding endorsement that Hitler wanted.

From 1938-44 public opinion in Germany was monitored by something akin to 'mass observation'. The survey was headed by professional journalists and they managed to persuade the régime to guarantee confidentiality for all their sources, so one can have some confidence in the results. These have been published and cover 17 volumes.

Hitler was quite popular and his popularity peaked on June 1940 with the very easy German victory over France. After the siege of Stalingrad it fell inexorably.

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12y ago

because he was the best the great one who controlled all Europe so easy and who could defeat the us one on one everybody knows that and also he was a bad guy who hates other races especially the Jews that's the answer =)

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14y ago

The Germans really didn't like Hitler because he treated the Germans so poorly. He was very brutial to them and many people didn't like that Hitler did that to the Germans. Hitler killed alot of Germans in the war. Many Germans felt that Hilter was taking control over Germans and they didn't like that. The Germans wanted to be independent and not have to face Hitler.

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14y ago

It was different for everyone. Adolf Hitler was a hero to Germans and their "Perfect Race," Blonde Hair, Blue eyes, and Christain. But for the Jews, he was a horrible dictator that only cared about genocide and wanted everyone dead. It was different for everyone. Some were probably Neutrial about him, too.

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16y ago

Initially Hitler's popularity in Germany grew. It peaked around the time of Germany's easy victory over France. However, when World War 2 began to go badly for Germany it fell, especially after the spectacular defeat at Stalingrad (1942-43).

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13y ago

It depends who you're talking about. The Nazi party are the ones that supported Hitler. The actual German army disliked him. What many people don't realize, is that the only ones who supported Hitler were the Nazi party. It was kind of like a club. Then the Nazis forced the citizens of Germany to fight their wars. In fact, there were twelve attempts by Germans to assassinate Hitler.

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12y ago

A majority of the people in Germany supported Hitler, otherwise he never would have been elected. The only institution that actively opposed him was the church. That shocked Albert Einstein. He expected a number of institutions to oppose him that did not. He did not expect the church to oppose him but it did.

Only a small part of the German electorate supported the Fascists during the last years of the Wiemar Republic, but Hitler and the Nazis did win a number of seats in the last election. The power elite in Germany offered Hitler the position of Chancellor with the view of controlling him. But Hitler outflanked them and began removing members who opposed him and replacing them with loyal Nazis. Soon he was able to fully control the Reichstag. After that it was a short step to suspending elections and declaring himself Dictator.

To the shame of Pope Pius, he caved in to pressure from both Mussolini and Hitler and supported the Fascists. It was a black period in the Church's history.

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4y ago

Bolsheviks and people who bought into the globalist and communist mindset did not like him. But if you look at footage that is not from Russian or Western Propaganda film. Many people loved him. Even people who hated him at first but came around after they witnessed the economic recovery and success he brought back to the German people, but most of all their pride. But just like any leader, there are those that despise no matter what and those who will find no wrong. But the age-old anecdote "The history books are written by the winner" holds true here. You will never see and acknowledge of any of the good Hitler did for his people. Any of the reasoning from the German points of view for any of his actions. And some just out and out lies about what was done or believed by him and the German people at the time. A few things that lead me to find out more than I expected were, Why did Hitler invade Poland? What was the catalyst? Why did Hitler disarm the German population, and when was this done? And then even during the war, Everything I had ever seen of the gas chambers after I went to the museum of tolerance in LA did not quite make sense. Mainly the functionality and I thought maybe the pictures I was seeing were just not what they were labeled. And of course, after the war people denounced Hitler. They were watching other Germans killed for political affiliation in the street. Russians were sexually assaulting women and children and murdering innocent people on the sides of the road just trying to flee the violence. This can be witnessed at the end of just about any conflict. Vietnam, when we left the Vietnamese people with no notice, there is footage of the remaining south Vietnamese soldiers ditching their uniforms and walking around in only underwear through the streets so they could deny any alignment to the fallen government. It still did not stop the murder and bloodshed for nothing more than an accusation of ties. Look deeper into history. Go beyond the propaganda and look for the truth.

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