

How do people get cyberbullyed?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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15y ago

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You can be cyber-bullied via text-messaging, social networking sites (MySpace, Facebook Twitter etc), chatrooms, forums, email and online games that allow you to talk to other players (Club Penguin, habo hotel, Runescape etc). Basically mobile phone texting and anything on the internet which allows you to communicate to other peope.

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15y ago

People get cyberbullied when you give out your details and, in some cases, if the victim is 'provoking' the other person. There are common symptoms of cyberbullying. These include things like an increase of hatred to use the internet or the computer. Also, they will delete all chat logs and history of what they did due to a fear of anyone finding out. Answerbook

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14y ago

Through facebook chat, wall posts, myspace, and many other ways!

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She made a movie called cyberbulling. I don't thnk that she was cyberbullyed. She is making a ton of albums and things like that.

What signs indicate that you are being cyberbullied?

Cyberbullying is not a nice or good thing to be doing to other people, it's also not the best feeling in the world to get cyberbullyed. Some people know these facts are true and some people ignore the fact that they're being mean to people and they're hurt due to this action. There's no exact sign to Cyberbullying, but if someone else's actions are making you feel hurt, upset, or put your Self-Esteem down, tell someone you trust. Stay away from people who make you feel uncomfortable and use your instinct. If you're being Cyberbullyed you have a few options of people to ask what to do:Your Parents, Teacher you trust, guidance counselor,or someone else you know who can be useful to your problem. Always remember :What goes around comes around! :D

What is

its a site on a movie called cyberbully where she gets her own computer for her birthday and then her and her friends make her an account and the she gets cyberbullyed from students at school and tries to kill her self.

What would happen if you do cyberbully?

There is a lot of things that would happen so I will put this in a list. 1.You would hurt the person who you are cyberbullying 2.You might loose the device you cyberbullyed with for a while. 3.You might go to jail if you get caught. (Cyberbullying is illegal) 4.You will be in some serious trouble. 5.A lot of family and friends might be very disappointed. 6.You might have to have a long talk with your parents and the person you cyberbullyed. 7.Some friends might be lost. 8.If caught at school or work you might get fired or expelled.

Im being cyberbullied on youtube by somebody called cartoonkingforever hes really rude and nasty cause i don't like Disney he harrasses me daily and calls me a stupid ho and says i should die?

You should tell someone your close to or you should tell your parents about that. Try asking them for help if it doesnt work then you should call a service that helps people that are being cyberbullyed.

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