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Voters can call, write, email, or visit congressional leaders and offices. They can also vote them out.

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Q: How do voters influence members of congress?
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How do voters influence Congress?


What is the relationship between voters congress and the law?

Voters play a critical role in electing members of Congress, who in turn have the power to create and pass laws. Voters have the ability to influence the composition of Congress through elections and can hold their elected representatives accountable for the laws they pass. Ultimately, voters have an indirect relationship with the law by participating in the electoral process and selecting representatives who shape legislation.

Who discipline members of congress?

Other members of Congress can censure, impeach, or expel members. The voters in their constituency can choose not to re-elect them.

How do members of congress get elected in a single member district?

The voters of the district elect them.

Who has authority to set the salaries of members of congress?

Members of Congress collectively set their own salaries. Of course, if they appear to be overly greedy, there is always the possibility that voters will want to elect different people to Congress.

Elections induce members of Congress to conform to the preferences of their voters according to the principle of?

congressional leadership

Who determine the qualifications of members of congress?

The eligibility for members of Congress are spelled out in the Constitution, like those of the President. The qualifications however depend largely on the voters.

May influence members of congress by granting or withholding support of legislation?

Committee staff may influence congress by granting or withholding legislation. Organizations can also influences members of congress in the same ways.

How many voters are in the US Congress?

There are 535 total Members of Congress. The U.S. Senate has 100 and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Why do commodity associations have influence on congress?

They lobby the members of Congress and give money in political campaigns.

How are members of Congress and the Senate chosen for their office-?

Members of the Senate are voted into office by voters in their respective states. Members of the House of Representatives are elected by voters in their district in their home state. They do not have to live in their district, but most do. Senators serve six-year terns, while representatives serve two-year terms.

What is the paradox of congress?

Voters tend to disapprove of Congress while simultaneously liking their own members. When it comes to re-election, there is an advantage for incumbents because their constituents will continuously vote for them.