

How do you isolate pure culture from the mouth?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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7y ago

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There are the 5 “I’s”
1. Inoculate
2. Incubate
3. Isolation
4. Inspection
5. Identification
1. Take a sample from the mouth using aseptic techniques (meaning don't cross contaminate with you own bacteria).

2. Inoculate a medium of some sort. Usually a plate called a streak plate is used. It has nutrient agar in it. It looks a little like vey stiff Jell-O. Spread the sample using a loop or 'hockey stick' using aseptic techniques.

3. Let it grow in an incubator. Set (usually) at body temperature. The plate is always placed what you would call upside down. Leave it there for 24-36 hours.

4. Open plate (aseptically) and see what is growing there. If something has you attention, use a probe (aseptically) to take a bit and put into a growth medium (usually in this case a liquid). Leave for a time and then replate.

5. The ID part means using a microscope to see the basic shapes, and also using differential media to further ID. This can mean reincubation and can take several days.

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6mo ago

To isolate a pure culture from the mouth, a sample can be collected and streaked onto a selective agar medium, such as blood agar, that inhibits the growth of unwanted bacteria. After incubation, individual colonies can be picked and streaked onto a fresh plate multiple times to obtain a pure culture. Various biochemical tests can be conducted to further confirm the identity of the isolated bacterium.

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