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It would be adviseable for you to take your 3 year old to a good children's doctor and have some tests run on him/her. Sometimes there could be a physical cause for this behavior. Also, see a child psychologist for an evaluation on your child. If a medication like Ritilan is considered, please seek out another opinion from a child special. This medication has been found (in Canada) to have caused many other problems in children from the side effects of this medication. Most of the time there is absolutely nothing wrong with your child with the exception of some good sound guidance. If your child is physically fit then it's simply because the child was spoiled and has been out of control for a year or more. Often, parents misunderstand how much a wee child can sense and they know how much they can get away with even at a very early age. You can prove it by letting your child stay with someone you know well that won't put up with this uncontrollable behavior. Personally, if the child has been tested and doesn't suffer any physical or mental problems, then it comes down to the fact someone has a spoiled child on their hands. Unfortunately, society has created monsters in this new generation with the "no spanking regulation." British Columbia, Canada has dropped that law in our country because they are beginning to realize they have taken total control out of parents hands and end up many times (not all the time) with misfits out in society. Teachers are complaining that many children are cheeky, disrespectful and out of control, not to mention crime has gone up and the police are arresting 8 - 14 year olds. I am going to probably get my backside kicked for mentioning the fact I am one of those that believe in a spanking when all else has failed with a child. It drives me crazy when a parents spends hours out of their day explaining every little order they give their child and if the child doesn't want to do that particular thing they just won't. They are sent to their room! For what? I have no idea. The child goes into their room and perhaps kicks, screams, break their toys and can destroy that bedroom. What has been accomplished. Nada! The child is angry, has not been taught what is right and wrong and doesn't know how to express their emotions. If we don't have rules and regulations bringing up our children then we have lost control in the future generations and in society. We have done an injustice to our children and they will have to learn life's lessons the hard way. Spoiled, bratty children have a difficult time fitting into any group of children and it hurts them emotionally, not to mention other adults don't want to be around them and it's hurtful and embarrassing for the parent. It's a good idea to slowly introduce problem children to certain other children and be closeby and be aware of what your child is doing (hitting, biting, slapping or kicking) another child. As the child gets a little older send your child to Sunday School because it's a good solid basis to bring any child up in. It gives them a belief system and a structure in their lives. They can choose their own religion when they get older. A parent that is firm and doesn't put up with any nonsense from their child, yet can cuddle, love and protect them is a good parent, but if the child is spoiled, kicks, screams and is mean and the parents simply coos away and makes excuses for that child they are doing them a great injustice. When I say spankings I don't mean beatings! Example: Please pick up your toys. (The child refuses and won't do it.) Then the parent says, "You have a choice .. pick up those toys or get a spanking." Perhaps once or twice you may have to give them a couple of whacks on the butt and they get the message loud and clear. The next time you say it they will usually pick up those toys. Most people don't want to beat a child, but there is much more abuse out there because many parents can't spank their child. The parent gets frustrated one day and they may grab the child by the arm and accidently twist (because children twist and turn themselves) or give them a much worse spanking than they deserve. A child should never be hit with a belt or any other weapon. These books that come out on how to raise children are the biggest crock of money-makers out there. Someone gets an idea in their head (most of it is to make money) and so parents who love their children want to do all the right things raising them. The poor parents are caught in the cross-hairs. God gave most of us common sense and love should always be at the top of the list regarding children. Spankings DON'T send a message to your child that you don't love them, but that you do care about them. We are all responsible for teaching our children to listen, to be polite and to learn respect of others so they can become healthy young adults. When my mother raised my brother and I (in the 40's up) she bought the latest rage in parent books put out by a Dr. Spoch. My mom read a chapter or two, tried it (it didn't work and she didn't have the time to explain every little movement she asked of us) and she heaved that book right out the back door (literally.) It was the smartest thing she ever did. If we were bad, we got a spanking. Eventually it sunk in, so we behaved ourselves. We turned out to be healthy and productive adults and we did stay out of trouble, but we also learned respect of the law, and others in society and were kind and caring. I thank my parents for being strict with me (still loving my brother and I) and they have made us extemely strong when times are tough for us. My brother and I often talk over old memories and have a good belly laugh. No, the spankings didn't bother us one darn bit! Now, the very kids of Dr. Spoch (now grown) have made statements to the fact that while he was preaching to all the other parents he messed up their lives. He was not a good father and was never there to help around the home. Please have your child assessed by your physician, then perhaps a child psychologist as you simply need some help controlling him/her. I know it pains you that your child isn't getting along with other children, but, in time and with help (you didn't do anything wrong but love your child) he/she will be just fine. Good luck Marcy

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