

How do you know if you have pcos?

Updated: 8/29/2023
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16y ago

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Unfortunately some endometrioses patients may be completely asymptomatic while others experience emotional and physical pain that is almost unbearable. For those who are not asymptomatic, the patients may experience anywhere from one to all of the following symptoms: pain before and during periods, pain with intercourse, general, chronic pelvic pain through the month, low Back pain, heave and/or irregular periods, painful bowel movements, painful urination during menstruation, fatigue, infertility, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting, headaches, pain during intercourse, low-grade fevers, depression, hypoglycemia, anxiety and increased susceptibility to infections or Allergies. According to Harvard Women's Health Watch, the most common symptom that most women experience with endometriosis is severe menstrual cramps, gastrointestinal problems, and pain during intercourse.

Women who experience postpartum endometritis generally have different symptoms than those with endometriosis. Their symptoms are generally fever, increased pulse, chills, anorexia, nausea, fatigue and lethargy, pelvic pain, uterine tenderness and/or foul smell. Some women may also become anemic. Within 36 to 48 hours, blood cultures should reveal any evidence of endometritis. This is a bacterial infection, and is completely different from endometriosis, which is excessive growth of endometrial tissue.

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You have irregular periods, usually late periods.

Increased body hair growth.

Increase in body weight. A lot of acne

Usually diagnosed by a dr.

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Wait a few months after going off the pill to see if your periods are still regular. If you don't have a period for 2-3 months and aren't pregnant, see your OB or reproductive endocrinologist to be tested for PCOS. Often times the pill can mask the symptoms of PCOS and you won't know you have it until after you go off the pill.

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Yes, many PCOS patients have had multiple successful pregnancies. Don't lose hope.

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The two are unrelated. Some women with PCOS have a hymen, and some don't. The reasons for present or absent hymens are the same for women with PCOS and women without PCOS.

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It's possible. But one of the main symptoms of PCOS is irregular menstrual cycles, so if you are ovulating regularly, chances are you don't have PCOS. Ask your doctor to be sure.

Are you fat because you have pcos?

Because of the increased levels of testosterone in the body of a woman with PCOS weight gain is one of the side effects. However, that weight gain is normally fairly low. If you are obese then it will not be because of the PCOS - it will be because of lifestyle. Also, if you are overweight then it will further reduce your abilities to have children as well as the PCOS.