

How do you lose body fat?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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By exercising and eating a balanced diet! - Balanced diets include... *A good amount of protein, wheat/fiber, vitamins/fruit and vegetables! Also, eat 3 meals a day If you don't see any results, you could - *See a doctor for professional advice *Try eating slightly smaller proportions of your meals - maybe your consuming too much too fast. This can cause Diabetes, obesity and other health problems. DO NOT - *Don't over exercise you'll only get into another crazy issue for your body or mind and cause physical and emotional problems to develop. * Don't expect losing weight to be extremely easy, if you think this, you won't be determined, and that's the key! *WARNING : DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER Eat fast food every day, every other day, or every week. Once every 2 weeks is fine (But if you tend to store a lot of fat I recommend NEVER eating fast food), but limit to the food that you eat. Have someone go with you, so you both can have fun spending time together, and also having their opinion on what is healthy, and what isn't. Make sure you - *Keep up the good work! *Stick to a routine! (Eat what at what time, or any other organizing skills) This is not a professional answer. Please contact your doctor for more info on how to lose weight safely and make sure to listen to their opinions!.

If you tend to store a lot of fat on your body then you will need to work even harder. Also if you starve yourself then your metabolism will not be functioning properly and it will make it HARDER to lose weight. I suggest a professional if you gain weight at a quick rate.

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So, how do you lose body fat?

you lose body fat through cardiovascular exercise and by eliminating refined processed carbohydrates (apart from an occasional treat). If you are unsure what these foods are, you will find a page link leading to a list at the bottom of this answer. You will also find page links to three free Cardiovascular (cardio) exercise plans (one easier plan, one harder plan, one intense plan) at the bottom of this answer.

Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of Heart disease, insulin resistance, type 2
diabetes, unwanted body fat, obesity, and many other diet related diseases and conditions.

Replace those foods with more of the so-called ' fat burning' foods and take advantage of the wonderful thermic effect of these nutritious foods. If you are unsure what these foods are, you will find a page link leading to a list at the bottom of this answer. Drink plenty of water to enable your body to properly process these foods,

Cardio exercise and the above changes in eating habits is the secret. A balanced diet includes quality protein, beneficial fats and oils, fiber in the form of plenty of leafy green (non-starchy) vegetables, a very moderate amount of low carbohydrate fruits such as berries (remember that fruit is high in fructose (sugar), and exclude all refined processed carbohydrates from your diet (apart from a rare treat). In addition, do not consume more calories than you spend.

Moreover, your calories should not come from refined processed carbohydrates. (See the list at the bottom of this answer. You can increase the amount of calories spent by cardio exercise, leading a more active lifestyle, and adding weight/strength training if you are able.

Weight/strength training will build more muscle and muscle burns more calories (don't worry you don't need to build huge muscles) Muscle is your Metabolic Furnace that will burn calories 24 hours per day and not just when you are exercising. This will also enable you to eat more food, withing reason, without gaining weight

Rather than eat three meals per day eat several small meals throughout the day. This will help to avoid hunger and food cravings. You will not be eating more food you will simply be spreading it throughout the day.

You need to be determined, especially if you have a degree of insulin resistance. Nowadays many people do have a degree of insulin resistance, often without being aware of it. If you are insulin resistant, you will tend to gain weight easily and find it harder to lose weight than many other people do. If you suspect that, you are insulin resistance (insulin resistance can range from mild to intense) than you may need to count both carbohydrates and calories in order to lose weight. If you are insulin resistant, you will most certainly have to count carbohydrates and avoid all refined processed carbohydrates.

(If you have become so insulin resistant that you have developed type 2 diabetes (which can often be reversed by a low carbohydrates diet, no refined processed carbohydrates, and cardio exercise), first consult with you own physician before changing your eating or exercise habits.)

To lose body fat, and, moreover, for optimum health, eliminate or strictly limit refined processed carbohydrates. Replace those foods with more 'fat burning' foods and take advantage of the thermic effect of these foods. In addition, engage in regular cardio exercise. Cardio exercise is an excellent way to burn body fat. There are three free cardio exercise plans to get you started (one easier plan, one harder plan, one intense plan) further down this page. The plans will show you how to do it correctly for fat burning.

So, for the free lists, charts and plans to show you how to do it, use the page links listed below.

  2. LIST OF FAT BURNING FOODS (to replace the refined processed carbohydrates) and more about the thermic effect of these foods
  3. MILD CARDIO EXERCISE PLAN 1 (the easier plan)
  4. MILD CARDIO EXERCISE PLAN 1 (the slightly harder plan)
  5. INTENSE CARDIO EXERCISE PLAN 3 (intense cardio to burn more body fat

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Body fat meter is a great tool that helps you lose weight faster. It tracks your weight and body fat. You can read more here:

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