

How do you lose fat in your lower abs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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First and foremost you can not just target where you want to lose fat, you can not spot train where you want to lose fat. You can spot train where to add muscle. Fat is lost from having a healthy diet. You could do every leg lift, crunch, situp, purchase every ab machine ever invented and at the end of the day you will have rock hard abs covered by a nasty layer of fat.

Yes the truth hurts I know and that was probably not an answer you wanted to hear but it is the truth.

I have been preaching this for many years in seminars nationwide to obese children as well as adults and to fitness professionals as well. If you want to get in shape and lose that lower gut this is what you are going to need to do. If you want to lose weight the wrong answer is dieting, the correct answer is making the choice to get on a life journey of being healthy, eating healthy and exercising. There are three major factors that go into this - nutrition, cardio and strength training. Let me start with nutrition - contrary to prior belief starvation diets do not work just plain and simple. What however does work is eating 6-8 meals spread out throughout a day. If you drink soda - kick the habit, unwanted calories and sugar - you will lose weight quick if you dump the soda habit. make sure you are eating good meals no fried foods or fast food.

Cardio - You are going to want to incorporate cardio into your schedule. Make sure when training you are staying in an aerobic state not an anaerobic state when doing cardio.

Strength Training - believe it or not lifting weight actually makes you lose weight because it increases your metabolism. For every pound of muscle you add your body will burn 50 calories a day at rest. By rest I mean driving in your car, watching television, etc. Now I know 50 calories a day is not much in the grand scheme of things but before you stop reading consider this - 50 calories a day 7 days in a week that is 350 calories still not too much right? If we change the numbers and add 10 pounds of lean muscle you burn 500 calories a day 3500 calories a week that is awesome because it is equal to 1 pound of fat.

Now it is not going to happen overnight just as I am more than confident that the 15 pounds you are trying to lose did not happen overnight. It does take time, dedication, motivation and making sure you do not plateau. You can help to avoid plateauing by changing up your exercises every few weeks to keep it fresh and also so you do not get bored.

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Join Me I will Show u in my channel.. @Sweato009 You will find Lot of Videos to Lose Belly Fat And More

How do you lose abs?

By doing physical activities we can get flat abs. Cardio is good to lose abs, in cardio also especially crunches work a lot to reduce abs. With exercise fat free food is also very much important.

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The ab lounge is a great machine that works your lower abs. It targets the lower area to tone muscle and eliminate fat quickly and easily. There are also specially designed crunches that can target abs.

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You train and also train your abs! Pretty obvious >_>

Does the ab doer excersise work?

Yes it works great. it targets your abs and makes them strong. But you need to lose belly fat to actually see those abs, and the best way to lose fat is cardio excercises such as running and swimming.

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The crunches have to be the most benefitial six pack ab workout there is. The crunches work all ab areas except for the the lower abs. Diet is also required to lose the fat so the abs are visible.

What fitness center have lower abs workout?

There are a lot of lower ab workout around. However, because the lower abs tend to be a location where body fat stubbornly refuses to bulge from, it is possible for someone to have really muscular lower abs but not be able to see them because of the fat sitting on top of them. As far as exercises go, I don't believe there is any specialized equipment you need. Planks, reverse crunches and leg raises all work the lower abs well.

Will running 30 minutes 5 times a week lose belly and lower belly fat and help tone abs when eating 1500 calories a day?

Yes,running 30 minutes 5 times a week loses belly and lowers belly fat and helps to tone abs when eating 1500 calories a day.

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