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Q: How do you make it so that 33000 - 250000 people do not commit suicide from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?
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Is cyber bullying the worst form of bullying?

This is hard to say. Cyberbullying doesn't usually result in physical injuries, physical disability, or physical disfigurement. But in particularly vulnerable persons, it can drive the person to commit suicide.

How many children die from cyberbullying?

Statistic says that there is an average number of 4500 kids who commit suicide each year because of cyber bullying.

Should or shouldn't commit suicide from bullying or cyber-bullying?

I believe you shouldn't commit suicide from bullying/cyber-bullying, people who attempt suicide, but don't commit it often are glad they didn't complete suicide, it only gets better from there. Plus people will be sad if a person commits suicide because they will lose a friend or a family member or whatever relationship they have going on.

How often do people commit suicide from bullying?


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When is it the right time to Commit Suicide from Bullying?


What is the laws for cyberbullying in Ohio?

What punishment does cyber bullied get that cause a person to commit suicide

How long should it take when you Overdosed from Bullying?

Never commit suicide because of bullying! :C

How many kids commit suicide because of bullying in the UK?

about 300 children aged 8-16 commit suicide every year.

How many teens commit suicide every day from cyberbullying?

6 teenagers in America I believe.

How does cyberbullying effect the victums?

Cyber bullying effects kids the same way regular bullying does but everyone is different. Other people can deal with being cyber bullied & others let it ruin their lives & may decide to commit suicide. Bullying is not a joke , it's cruel to torment other people for your own enjoyment.