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This same thing happened to me with my 87 Prelude, and it pisses me the off. A lot. If you open up the door and look at the locking device, you'll see that it consists of a 2" plastic cylinder that has the lock/red (unlocked) sticker on it, as well as the little tab you use to lock and unlock the door. That plastic piece is connected to a metal rod that extends across the door to the actual lock on the side. I don't know what the hell they were thinking when they designed it, but essesntially they made it so that the plastic torques when you turn the thing and pushes the metal rod so that it the door locks. Chances are, the plastic cylinder broke right in half, so it's essentially useless. The only thing you can really do is attempt to glue the pieces back together so that it'll be in its original form. I used epoxy, and it worked for like two days, but because the break wasn't too clean, it couldn't hold together when you torqued on it to lock the door. Complete crap. Good luck fixing yours, though.

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Q: How do you repair the inside drivers side locking handle on an 87 Honda Prelude?
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there are two 10mm bolts, one on the outside rim of the door next to handle; the other is on the inside. to get to inside one you have to remove door panel and the inside door panel. There are several bolts there as well. The door handle bolt is kind of hidden but its behind the window rail remove it and the linkage clips after pulling the handle out of the door. it maybe easier to replace the door locking clip after reinserting handle back into door. And while your in there it is a good idea to lube everything with a dry lithium grease so dirt and crude don't build up on them as much and everything runs smooth. Good luck.

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