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There are two ways to approach this question. The first has to do with approaching a woman and getting her to be interested in you. You can also use these tactics in getting a girl to like being with you. How do you do that? Consider a couple of things. First, people will unconciously mirror the facial expression of the person they are conversing with. It is reflexive and inevitable. Try it. When talking with a girl you like, try smiling a lot and you will see that she does the same, which brings me to my second point. Secondly, the physical act of facial expressions--smiling and frowning--will literally make you feel those same emotions. Haven't you noticed that when you smile, it makes you happier? But it also can work to your detriment. If you frown, then you will become sad. The physical actions of your body affects the state of your psychological mood. Remember the "mirroring" effect I was talking about earlier (when you smile the other person smiles). Well, whenever you chat with the girl you're interested in, smile constantly--but not too much. The more you smile, you'll notice that she will too. Coupled with the second idea--that the physical actions of your body affect your psychological mood--if you are smiling a lot and thus she smiles a lot then she will automatically feel happier (and we all know girls LOVE to be happy). When you have a few conversations with her and you use these tactics, then that is where classical conditioning takes into effect. Everytime she talks to you, she will walk away feeling happier than when she walked up. After a few times, you won't even have to open your mouth because she will automatically start to feel happy because she will have associated you with those happy feelings. Her just seeing you will make her happy. Get the picture? The second idea can be used as a classical conditioning tool to keep the woman you want. The aim is to simply associate ourselves with the girl's good emotions and dissociate ourselves from her bad emotions. If we can do this, then we can make ourselves into a type of contagious, charismatic individual who emits positive emotions and positive feelings, just by showing up on her door step. How do we do this? You want to be around her when she's in a good mood and avoid her like the plague if you sense that she's in a bad mood. This way, she will associate her good feelings with being with you. You want your woman to be happy, right? Hope this helped somewhat...

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Q: How do you use classical conditioning to get a girl to like being with you?
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When a previously neutral stimulus like a bell brings out the same reflexive behavior produced by another stimulus known as what?

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What are goals learned through classical conditioning?

In classical conditioning, goals are not specifically learned, but rather associations between stimuli are formed. Through classical conditioning, individuals learn to associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with a meaningful stimulus (like food), which can lead to a learned response (like salivation). This type of learning can influence behavior and emotional responses.

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If the child is a teen you're not going to be able to shape him into being a good choicemaker. A professional could help. With a younger child, it is easy. You find what he likes, and you remove it from him, or withhold it, when he doesn't perform the desired behavior. Answer People frequently mis-use the term "Classical Conditioning". The contributor above has described some of the basic elements of what is called "Operant Conditioning", and that is probably what you were asking about. You would not want to use Classical Conditioning on a child. I'm not sure that there would even be a way to do it that would give you results that you want. Classical Conditioning involves pairing an "unconditioned response", like salivation when given food, or the iris of the eye getting smaller when expose to stronger light, to a "conditioned stimulus", like the sounding of a bell. Think Pavlov. Repeatedly ring a bell just when you give food to a hungry dog. If you get the timing right, the dog will salivate when you ring the bell.

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Advantages of classical conditioning theory include its ability to explain how learning occurs through associations and its practical applications in behavior therapy. Disadvantages include its oversimplification of human behavior and the potential for unethical use in manipulating individuals without their consent.

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The learning of phobias is a good example of classical conditioning known as "conditioned emotional response." This occurs when a neutral stimulus (like a spider) becomes associated with a negative response (fear) through repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus (like a painful experience or trauma).

What did pavlov notice that led to the principle of classical conditioning?

Pavlov noticed that dogs began to salivate not only in response to food, but also to other stimuli associated with food, like the sound of a bell. This led to the principle of classical conditioning, where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a natural response through repeated pairings.

Who is Ivan Pavlov?

Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist known for his work in classical conditioning. He conducted experiments with dogs, demonstrating how they could be conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with a reflex response (like salivating). His research greatly influenced the field of psychology.

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False. Carl Rogers is best known for his work in humanistic psychology and client-centered therapy, rather than classical conditioning, which is associated with Ivan Pavlov and later with B.F. Skinner.

How is Ivan Pavlov's research important to modern day?

Ivan Pavlov's research on classical conditioning laid the foundation for understanding how learned associations influence behavior. This concept is still relevant in modern psychology and has influenced various areas such as education, therapy, and advertising. The principles of classical conditioning continue to be applied in areas like behavior modification and understanding psychological disorders.

What if a girl is ignoring me and being mean does she like me?

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Classical Conditioning is also known as Pavlovian conditioning. It is when events( or stimulants) lead to a response. For example, watching a funny movie would cause you to laugh, just like a scary movie would make your heart beat faster. This is how the formation of fears and fobias are made. This is also how reflexive responses and scents that bring back certain memories are created.

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Pavlov's research demonstrated classical conditioning, showing how animals could learn to associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with a reflex response (like salivating for food) through repeated pairings. This concept of conditioning has since been applied to understand various learning and behavioral processes in both animals and humans.