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It is heated.

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Q: How does the malachite green stain enter an endospore?
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What dye is used to penetrate and stain an endospore?

Malachite green

What is the purpose of staining the smear in malachite green during spore staining?

the purpose of boiling of smear in malachite green is to forces a stain to penetrate the endospore wall, it is necessary to heat the slide and the stain to prod the wall to allow the stain to enter.

Why is it necessary to heat the malachite green?

Malachite green is used as a primary stain in bacteria. It is necessary to heat the malachite green in order to penetrate the endospore of the bacteria.

Why is it essential to apply heat during endospore staining?

because they cannot be differentiated from inclusions of stored material without a special stain .

What dye is used to stain endospores?

To differentiate the spores from other similar looking structures in the cell that don't stain as the spores do.

What so endospore stain have in common with the acid-fast stain?

One thing that endospore stains have in common with the acid fast stain is that heat primary stain penetration. Another thing that endospore stains have in common with acid fast stains are counterstain.

What color are bacterial endospores after a gram stain is performed?

Gram-staining does not stain the endospore due to the tough, resistant water-proof structure. It appears as an unstained area in a vegetative cell. Malachite green must be forced into the endospore with heat to stain it.

What prevents the cell from appearing green in the finished endospore stain?

Vegetative cells readily decolorize because they are permeable.

How would an endospore stain of mycobacterium appear?

Acid fast Mycobacterium have a waxy molecule in their cell wall that will take up and retain the malachite green stain when subjected to the endospore staining process. The uniformly green appearance of endospore stained acid fast cells doesn't mean they produce endospores. These are vegetative cells that have taken up color from the heat driving malachite green into their waxy cell wall.

Are nigrosin and malachite green a functional analogous pair of stain?


What is the counterstain in a spore stain?

the counter stain is safranin 0.5%

What is the stain used to staines the cell membrane?

we can use feulgen's method ,in which malachite green stain is used to stain the nucleus