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Q: How does the temperature affect the speed of dissloving of sugar?
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Is dissloving a chemical or physical change?

Dissolving sugar or table salt in water is purely a Physical change

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How does temperature affect the dissolving rate of a sugar cube?

Higher temperatures mean the molecules are moving more rapidly. This will speed up the process of disolving a sugar cube, because there is more activity.

How does water temperature affect sugar?

The hotter the water, The faster it will dissolve.

Does temperature affect the growth of sugar or salt crystals?

I think the temperature affect salt crytals

How does heat affect the ability to dissolve sugar?

Increasing the temperature the solubility also increase.

How does the temperature affect ice melting with salt and sugar?

The salt will cause the ice to melt faster. the sugar shouldn't have much of a difference.

Does changing the amount of sugar in water affect how quickly and completely it freezes?

Water with sugar in it freezes at a lower temperature. The more the sugar, the lower the freezing point of water.

How does adding food coloring affect the growth of sugar crystals?

the sugar makes the crystals bigger because crystals r made by sugar and water so the sugar adds more size to a crystal

Did salt and sugar affect the boiling temperature of water exactly the same?

yes, but i couldn't tell you the mechanics of it.

Does temperature affect the amount of sugar that dissolves in water?

Sugar that is dissolved in hot water, dissolves faster than sugar dissolved in cold water.

What factors influence the speed rate which the sugar dissolves?

The most important and basic factor that increase the dissolving rate is temperature.