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Yeast makes things rise so when yeast is added then the cheese explodes into circles and it makes holes in your cheese (Swiss cheese)

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Q: Why is yeast added to some breads and cheese?
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How are most yeast breads made?

Most are made using bakers yeast as leavening, however some loaves (called "sourdoughs") are made without any added yeast whatsoever.

Give three answer the difference between yeast bread an quick bread?

a yeast dough uses yeast and a quick bread uses baking powder or baking soda.

What process uses yeast?

Baking breads, brewing beer, and making wine. All rely on some form of yeast.

Does yeast bread cause a cancer?

No, yeast bread does not cause cancer. However, some individuals have a rare disease that causes them to be unable to digest the wheat that yeast breads are made from.

What nutrient do enriched and whole wheat flours add to yeast breads?

There is no yeast at all in enriched flour. Enriched flour has a few specific nutrients added to replace some of the nutrients lost when the bran and germ are removed from whole wheat to produce white flour. Yeast must be added to enriched flour if it is used to make bread. See the Wikipedia article linked below for additional information.

What foods product is made using a fungus?

Yeast (in bread) Mushrooms used in food (eg mushroom soup) Yeast to produce alcohol (eg beer, ale, wine, mead) To ferment soy beans into soy sauce and tempeh In the making of blue cheese To make rice fermentable to make sake (rice wine). (there are probably more)

Do most breads have sucrose?

Whether "most" breads have sucrose as such is impossible to say. All breads have starches, which are broken down into sugars as they are digested. Many bread recipes include some form of sugar to encourage the yeast to rise. Many other bread recipes do not.

Why some type of cheese has holes?

Particular bacteria are added to the cheese which produce Carbon Dioxide bubbles while it is maturing. It is added by the cheese maker by choice.

Is yeast in cheese?

Even though some articles state that only aged or ripened cheese contain yeast, most sources indicate that all cheese does. Here's a good source of foods to avoid in Related Links. Also watch out for these ingredients on labels: Vegemite, Promite, Bovril, Marmite, Cenovis, Oxo. They are derived from yeast. If you're planning to go on a totally yeast-free diet, it's best if you check with the manufacturer.

What ingredient is the foundation of quick breads?

Flour, sugar, eggs, baking soda, salt. There is no yeast in a quick bread.

What are foods that have bacteria that give it a certain taste?

most bacteria feed on the nervous system of the cell it invades

Is yeast edible?

Short answer, Yes. Yeast is in lots of things most people eat every day. most breads are made with yeast, all beer, wine, and liquor are made by fermentation with yeast although most alcoholic beverages remove the yeast cells at some point in processing. Yeast lysates like vegemite and Marmite are popular foods in some parts of the world. There is a small market for nutritional yeast as a dietary supplement and ingredient for cooking. Yeast extract is also used in some prepared foods.