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They are related by they are both spectrums that give the color(s) that the element is. The Emission Spectrum shows what color(s) it gives off, and the Absortion shows what color it absorbs and doesn't show. They also fit together and make a continuous spectrum.

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12y ago
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2w ago

The emission spectrum shows the specific wavelengths of light that are emitted by a substance when it transitions to a lower energy state. In contrast, the absorption spectrum shows the wavelengths of light that are absorbed by a substance when it transitions to a higher energy state. These two spectra are related in that the absorption spectrum is the inverse of the emission spectrum.

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11y ago

The visible light spectrum is right in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum ranges from low frequency, low energy radio waves to high frequency, high energy gamma waves. We as limited as we are biologically cannot physically sense anything outside the visible spectrum without the aid of instruments. This does not preclude the existence of other waves, like sound waves and physical motion.

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14y ago

Everything the two are alike in many ways just has to deal with gas

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9y ago

In plants the action and the absorption spectrums are shaped the same as chlorophyll. This indicates that chlorophyll is the most important photosynthetic pigment.

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Q: How is the emission spectrum related to the absorption spectrum?
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Which type of spectrum is associated with the radiation of most stars?

Most stars exhibit a continuous spectrum, which contains all wavelengths of light in a continuous distribution. This is often referred to as a blackbody spectrum due to its smooth curve.

Is an atomic emission spectrum a continuous range of colors?

No, an atomic emission spectrum is not a continuous range of colors. It consists of discrete lines of specific wavelengths corresponding to the emission of light from excited atoms when they return to lower energy levels. Each element has a unique atomic emission spectrum due to its unique arrangement of electrons.

Which of the three types of spectrum would be observed?

The type of spectrum observed would depend on the source of light. A continuous spectrum is produced by a hot, dense object like a solid, liquid, or dense gas. An emission spectrum is generated by a thin, hot gas, while an absorption spectrum is created by a cooler gas in front of a light source.

What are some comparisons with a absorption spectrum and a continuous spectrum?

An absorption spectrum shows dark lines at specific wavelengths where light has been absorbed by a substance. A continuous spectrum shows all colors/wavelengths with no gaps, like the rainbow. The main difference is that the absorption spectrum has specific dark lines while the continuous spectrum is smooth and uninterrupted.

What is the absorption spectrum of a given wavelength of light?

The absorption spectrum shows the wavelengths of light that are absorbed by a substance. Each substance has a unique absorption spectrum due to its molecular structure and composition. The absorption spectrum is determined by measuring the amount of light absorbed at different wavelengths.

Related questions

How does the number of lines in the emission spectrum for an element compare with the number of lines in the absorption spectrum?

The number of lines in the emission spectrum is the same as in the absorption spectrum for a given element. The difference lies in the intensity of these lines; in emission, they represent light being emitted, while in absorption, they represent light being absorbed.

How do emission and absorption spectrums tell us about the composition of objects in our universe?

Each chemical element has a specific emission or absorption spectrum.

How can you Distinguish absorption spectrum from emission spectrum?

An absorption spectrum shows the wavelengths of light absorbed by a substance, appearing as dark lines on a bright background. An emission spectrum shows the wavelengths of light emitted by a substance, appearing as bright lines on a dark background. In other words, absorption involves light being absorbed by the substance, while emission involves light being emitted by the substance.

What is the difference between an absorption and an emission spectrum?

Absorption spectrum is a gap in the overall spectrum. It happen when light makes an electron jump to a higher orbital and light energy is absorbed. Emission spectrum is light emitted at particular wavelengths (where the absorption spectrum gaps are). It happens when an electron falls from a higher orbital and emits light energy in doing so.

What is the difference between absorption and emission spectrum?

Emission spectrum: lines emitted from an atom.Absorption spectrum: absorbed wavelengths of a molecule.

What is band spectrum?

A band spectrum is an absorption or emission spectrum consisting of bands of closely-spaced lines, characteristic of polyatomic molecules.

What is a band spectrum?

A band spectrum is an absorption or emission spectrum consisting of bands of closely-spaced lines, characteristic of polyatomic molecules.

How can you predicted the absorption spectrum of a solution by looking at it's color?

By looking at its emission spectrum and seing where the black lines are

Image of emission or absorption spectrum of manganese?

This would consist of several series of lines corresponding to the energies of electron transitions. They are bright lines for an emission spectrum and dark for absorbtion.

How are absorption and emission lines produced in a stellar spectrum What information might absorption lines in the spectrum of a star reveal about a cloud of cool gas lying between us and the star?


If you wanted determine the temperature of a star what measurements would you make?

Emission Spectrum

Which type of spectrum is associated with the radiation of most stars?

Most stars exhibit a continuous spectrum, which contains all wavelengths of light in a continuous distribution. This is often referred to as a blackbody spectrum due to its smooth curve.