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Q: How many atoms are in 15.6 g of silicon?
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The mass of silicon is 4 659 g.

How many atoms of Si are in 237 g of Si?

237g / 28 gmol-1 = 8.46mol. 8.46 x (6.02x1023) = 5.09x1024 silicon atoms.

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156 g calcium is equivalent to 3,89 moles.

How many silicon atoms are there in 85.0 micrograms of silicon?

n = (8.5 x 10^-5 g) x (1 mol / 28 g) = 3.04 x 10^-6 mol N = (3.04 X 10^-6 mol) x ((6.02 x 10^23 atoms)/(1 mol)) = 1.81 x 10^18 atoms

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96,27 g of sand contain 45 g of silicon (if the sand is pure silicon dioxide).

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The number of atoms of lead is 6,68.10e23.

How many moles are present in gram's of silicon Si?

1 g silicon is equal to 0,0356 moles.

How many kg is 156 grams?

156 g = 0.156 kgTo convert from g to kg, divide by 1000.

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49.1740 g (6.02 x 1023 atoms) / (91.22 g) = 3.25 x 1023 atoms

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149 g of calcium contain 22,39.10e23 atoms.

How many silicon atoms are there in 1.00 g of silicon?

Silicon is a common metalloid which is a chemical element but it is considered to be tetravalent metalloid which has only 4 available electrons for covalent chemical bonding in its valence region. In the periodic table, Silicon has atomic number 14 with Si symbol. It is good to know that silicon is less reactive that Carbon-14 based on its position in the periodic table which is in the bottom of Carbon. The Standard Atomic Weight for Silicon is 28.0855 grams. The standard is based on the Avogadro's Constant which is 6.02214179 x 1023 mol-1. 1 mol of silicon will contains 6.02214179 x 1023 atoms of silicon. So, how many atoms are present in 1 gram of silicon? In 1 mol silicon (28.0855 grams) = 28.0855/28.0855 x 6.02214179 x 1023 = 6.02214179 x 1023 atoms In 1 gram silicon = 1/28.0855 x 6.02214179 x 1023 = 2.144217404 x 1022 atoms

How many atoms are in 38.260 g of chlorine?

6,687.1023 chlorine atoms